l z8 Chap. 3$. e.A1ra Expoitionupon the Bookof o B. Verf. 127 when the flood had made(as it were)a confufion of the times na fea ons , the Lord renewed this fettlement (yen;g, r22,) while the Earth rctvaineth, feed time, andharveft,and cold, and heat, ácd S nsmer and winter, and day and night (hall not ccafe. Read this fully (]er. 3 i. 35, 36. fer. 3 3. ao.)- Sun and Moon know their rime, and 'cis God, who bath taught them this knowledge, and given them this in(iruelion. The light keeps its tirne,though it changeth its time every day (Pfal. to4.. 19.) Re appointeth the t.afoónforfeafon;, the Sian knowethhzc goingdownr The Sun is in`truoted ( as it were) whereto rile , and where to go down. The Sun follows the diredtion of God, There is no rational crea- tare that doth fo exadtly follow the conduct} of God , as the Sun, The Sun forgetsnor its duty, it never mi(look chehour eitherof its riling or going down (as' we more largely Chewed a little be- fore) it never.miflook a hairs breadth for place,nora moment of _ its time. And as it moves according to the command ofGod ; fo nothing.can flay its motion, but the command of God : And if He fay , San fland (hots/ti(l , it will do fo again, as in the daysof foll9t44, Now if all creatureskeep their flat ion,and obferve their motion according to the inllru&ions they receive:from :God., (hould not this be our ingrunion?IfGod bath caufed the day-fpring to know its place and time ; if the Sun rife where and when he would have it ; Shall not we know our place and time? Shall not we be where and when God would have us ? As every thing, fo every. -, perfon is moll ufeful in his proper place and feafon. The Sun is therefore fo ufeful, becaufe it knows and keeps both, carrying and di(lributing its light up and down the world, to the Ionsof men, anfwerably to its infirce -lions , and that commillion given it from above. The Lord having put :quellions to fob about the direr} ionof the morning light, and by whom the day-fpring is taught to know its place ; proceeds to (hew the work and effects of the`' day- fpring and morning light. Raft thole caufed the day-fpri g to know its place ? Verf.. r Thatit might take holdof the ends of the Earth: In this verfc we have two things coneerning theday-fprina' el: the light. Firf, ,