Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

chap. 38, an Expofition upon the Book of ,) o B. Verf. 13. /.-,9 Firfl, The powerful extenfivenefs of it. Thelight takes hold; there's its power : It takes hold of the very ends of the Earth ; there's its extenßvenefs. Secondly , We have one part or point of the ufefulnefs orbe- neficialnefs of light , when it thus takes hold of the ends of the earth ; this good it doth , or this benefit comes by it , the fra- kingofthe wicked out ofit. As it it had been raid ,.1 he day-fpring takes hold of the ends of the earth , for this end and purpeie , that the earth may be freed from the wicked. That it might take hold of the end; of theearth, ¡i ;%` ?ìt alprelsrd.f. That is, that the morning, or theday-fpr ing might, &c, S:me vet. of the Rabins refer thole words, that it may roke hold, not toRrb sci. the day-fpring , but to Jo6. As ifthe Lord had laid , Canft thou,7artri. O Job , make the day to know, its place, that thou mightett take hold of the ends of the earth , as I do , and (hake thewicked out of it. But rather , as we , That the day-Cpring might take hold, Vtextvemos apprehend, and hold fart the ends of the earth. Mr. Bcz,atevrarumi! forno radi qutri t rt expreffeth it in this elegancy , The Sun fends forth its rays as darn drgilK fo utany fingers , to take hold of the utmofi verges or ends of the inje£2ur preben earth. der. Bez. The Hebrew is, Thewings of the earth ; and fo Mr. Broughton C'JD tranflates, To hold the wings of the earth. By the wings of the Non ìamplrafi earth, according to an Hebraitme very frequent inScripture , we páeriea çuam are to underfcand the extream or remotefe parts of the earth, fmo ale sribuunsur ter And becauCe the wings of a bird are feretched out tothe very ut- ræ, Pined. mote, when the flieth , the Hebrews call that which is the ex- tream or utmofl bound of any thing , the wings of it ; and hence, in their language, the utmotl part or hem of a garment is the wing of a garment, as here and elfewhere,the utmofe parts of the earth are the wings of the earth (Ifa. I I.1,2.) He(halllet up an enfrgne for the Nations, and (hall affemblethe out-call; of Ifrael,and gather together the difperfedofJudahfrom thefour corners (or,as the Mar- gin path it, wings) of the earth. Thus the Lord fpeaks of the light , Haft thou caufed the day- fpring toknow its place , that it might takeholdof the ends or wings of the earth ? S Hence