Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

140 Chap. 3 $. An Fxpfition upon the Boob, of J o B. virr, ,. thing , which they hold onely in common with the world: From the socl,ed their 1 ght is with-holden, Note , Secondly ; eked men forfeit, and foare deprivedof thegood things which. Godgives to them. The wicked cannot long , (hall not alwayes enjoy the good things of this world. Whenwicked men abufe the light , efpe- cially when they refill the light of nature fhining into their con- . fcie,sces, and refute thè light of the Gofpel fhining in the Scrip- tures and O. dinances , and refolve to walk on in the darknefsof their minds , then from them that light of comfort and profperi- tyis wich-holden ; yea, they are often thruf} out of the light of the Sun , and out of the light of this prefent life , into ch t ner darknefs of the grave,and into that outer darknefs of hell (a nth. 1,.30.) that is,into.a darknefs furthe(i remote, or at grewdi fiance from light, even out of the reach of light. Doth God fay to his own people when they fin (fer. 5. a 5.) Toser fins have with-holdengood things fromyou ? Much more then(hall the Light and all good things, or all the good things of light be with hol- den from the wicked , whole whole trade andbufnefs lies in works of darknefs , or in finning againfl God. 'ris bad with man, when God with-holds natural light , the light of the Sun, thegood things of this world fromhim; but 'tis infinitely worfe with man, when God with-holds the light of the Gofpel, and the light of hiscountenance , any fpiritual light or good from him, and fhutsany'up in the contrary darknefs. From the wicked light ìa with -holden , And the high arm fhall be broken. - adunt impii àfelicitate whole high arm ? Surely the high armof the wicked ; they .011,6-viva (hall be deprived both of their light of comfort , and of their (id fignfcat, arm of flrength : wherein , ex- ¿obi. Firft They prided themfelves. And celfum) debi r yp litantur&red Secondly, Wherewith they oppreffed others. duncur ¡le- The former is the effe& oftheir firength ; the latter is the ufe re. Vatabl. which theyufually put their firength to. hium Brace ¡!poena Strength is often expreft in Scripture by the arm ; read Pfd,' àia9pfuperbia; IC. 15. Pfd. 37. 17. Ezek, 30. ZZ. And a high arm notes a1piorum.Pitca great