Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

10 Chap. 38. an Fxpofition ripou the Book of J o k. V°rf. tq, of death, and the hateof the dead (Prov. 1 S. II.) Thegrave anddeflruUlionare before the Lord; how much more thehearts ofthe. children of men! Fourthly, Taking thegatesof death generally , for any fecret . or hidden thing, Note ; Man knoweth na morethan god revealetb-tobins. When God puts the quefaion, Have thegates of deathbeen opened or revealed, to thee ? it is as if he had faid ,.. thou canilnot know themmiles they are opened to thee. And who can open them,if 1 my fell do not ? Asall the myfleries of the Gofpel are hidden from us, till God is pleated to reveal them,; fo in nature there are many things whichare myfleries and fecrets to us , till God makes them known to us. And there are foamthings which. God will nomoreopen to us, than he bath the gates of death, or the doors of the fhadowof death. And if fo, then, as God will neverblame us for not knowing thofethings which he hathhid- den , fo we fhould not bufae our felves with anyenquiries about hidden things. Though the focret of the.Lord be with thofe that fear him (Pial. 25. 14. ) yet they that fear him , will nor, dare. not meddle with, nor fcarch into the Lords. fecrer, There- fore Laflly, Obferve ; TYhatfoever God is not pleafed to revealto us, or u pleafed to bide from tes, that we fhouldbecontent not to know , and be fatufied that it ishidden from us. (Deus. ti p 2g.) The ffcret things belongunto the Lordour god; but thofe things which are revealed, belong unto us and our chit= dren for ever.. Ir is bothour duty andour inrereft , to be con- tent with our own(hare , or to be fatisfied with what belongs to us , and not to invade Gods peculiars or referves. It was Yobs fault , he would be en, ing into the feerets of God , but faith trod, Have thegates ofdeathbeen opened unto ehée,or haft thoufren she doors of thefnadow of death? if not, then be not troubled that thofe things a,e nor opened to thee, which i have referved to my felf. God bath not ffraitned us in any needful point of know- ledge, there is saiough.opened tous,, though the gates of death be,