To the Chriflian Reader. verfies of his fervants , by vindicating their credit, and making it appear, that they have fpoken of him, and of his ways, the thing that is right, or more rightly than their oppofers and reproachers. This example of the Lords pity and tender mercy in doing bothfor Job, may ftrengthen our faith in believing that he will, and lengthen out our patience in waiting, till he doth make both thefe defirable ends for all thofe, who like Jobhave lay'n long under the preffing burdens' of hard afliUions, and harfb conyructions. Now, that the Lord wouldfinifb this work of mercy, andcut it fbort in righteoufnefs,wip ing tears from off all faces , aud taking away the rebuke of his people from offthe earth,bya timelyre f itution ofthem to their lefl and blafted credits (whichyet will not be fully done, until the times of the reflitution of all things, whichGodhath fpoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets lince the world began ; that the Lord (I fay) would finilh this work) fhouldbe our unceffant cry to God in prayer,for all his forrowing jobs, even for all thofe, who are any where companions in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of jefus Griff. To his blefling, and theof e5lual working of his holy