t6a Chap. 38. u Expo(ition upon the Book of J o s.Verr. i$, God was ready to hear fob what he could anfwer to his ue- (lion.' When God put the queflion to 4dam ( Gen. 3. t t.) 110 thou eaten of t:he tree whereof I .commanded thee, that thou frouldeIl not eat ? And when he l tic queflions to Cain (Gen. 4. 6.) why art thou wroth ? andwhy is thy countenance faen ? As alto (verf. 9.) 1v°hcrois Abel thy brother? He was ready to hear what ei: her the one or the other could fay for themfelves; nor would ,he have cut them fhort _in their plea , iftheycould have pleaded any thing -for their jutlification.. Now, as God was wil- ling to hear what they could anfwer to his quellions about their evil works ; fo he is willing tohear what any can anfwer (which was fc6s cafe) to the queflions which he propofeth about his own works, and their behaviour under them. Scarily , From the fcope of the words , Note ; The mot# knowing nun know but little of that which they As we know nothing at all of force things, fo there is nothing of which we know the all , or of which we have a perfea know-. ledge, a knowledge , to which nothing can be added. They who knowmoll of any thing , know almoll nothing of it ; How far then are they fromknowing it all ! David having fpoken of the knowledge of God (Pfal. 539. 2, 3, 4, ß) concludes (serf. 6.) Suchk i nowledge is toowonderfulfor me ; t ishigh, l cannot at- tain unto it. Man is fo far from anability to attain fuch a know- ledge as God bath , the knowledge of the moll fecret things of man , the knowledge of his thoughts afar off ; that he is not able to attainthe perfefi knowledge of the plainetl things. We mull flay for perfeó knowledge , till we come to another liare, when all clouds of ignorance (hail be fcat tered , when we (hall fee no more through a glafe darkly , but face to face ; when we (hall know all that into be knownof God , and of the Works of God; when we (hall be enabled to declare all our knowledge about them , and to give proof that we know them all. Truly to knowGcd the onely true God , and feftu Chri.i, whom he bath feat, is eternal life , while we live here in this world, but toknow the true God, and Jefus Chrift , whcm he hath cent, fully , yea to know any thing fully, is referved for us in that e- ternal lifewhich we wait for in the world to come. There