6Z Chap. 3 dinExpofition ¡lox the BookofJo B Vern. ? g it is of , vanifhaway.; The knowledge which Soloman had on earth , will be but ignorance ,: compared torche knowledge, which the Saints have and (hall have in heaven ; His Iargeàcis of heart (though like the Cane; of the lea) will be but narrow. nets of heart, compared with tie enlargements which Saints (hall: have there. Glorified Saints (hall be innatural thingsexaa Phi- lofophers , able to anfwer all the quefiions here put to /o6. In fpiritual things they (hall be exa& Divines.; all darkScriptures (hall be clear to them ;- Chri(+ will be their Comment: all dark q ,elìions will:be clear to them; Chrift will be their light. Thole perplexed Cafes and fatal Controverfies which have troubled the peace of the Church and have eccafioned the calling together of Tome hundreds of the ablefi Scholars ro debate and determine thim (hall at one view be underfloods,(hal{,have all their knots . untied , and their difficulties removed by the meaner+ (ifamong them there(ail be found any meaner than others) of glorified un- der(ianding! What fweetnefs the foul (alt feel at this revela- tion of all .knoteledge,rlittle knowledge will ferve to judge : Por then nor only ro this challenge which the Lord made to job , about thofe fpecial matters, thegates of death, and the breadth of the earth ; but al o r&any ocher, Declare if thou k oweft it all,, Every foul will readily and confidently anfwer, Lord, in thy11,gh: ? ¿now-it all,