Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

1.63 Chap. 38. eÁn .Expofition rspon the Book of J o a. Verf. 20. (Jhn 1,16.) I may fay alto light for light , light of every fort, and light in every degree, needful for us , is received from him. Secondly, Their lights dwell in the hearts of every true belie- ver. Faith and light can never be feparated : Though fome who have faith may be in the dark, yet light is not feparated; it is onely clouded,eclipfsd or hidden from them,All believers a re fo much in a !.late of light,thar they are called light (Eph. s.8.) and many of theña live in aplentiful enjoyment of light.Aworthy man of the former generation, lying upon his death -bed a friend asked him whether the light fhining into the room didnot offend him ? he Z-acfaa hair. anfwered , putting hishand upon his heart , Heref have light e- ccolampa- nough, T.he heart of a godly man is the houfe of fpiritual light, sus. there he bath and holds the light of divine knowledge about the things of the Gospel , and the light of divine comfort atifing from that knowledge. Ir is alma reporred of Mr.Deering our Countrey-man , that in his fail fcknefs, and towards his end, being fer upright in his bed for his cafe , a friend requeffed him, that he would (peak fomething for the edihcaticn and comfort of thole about him : Whereupon,the Sun (Lining in his face,he took occafion to fpeak thus , There it bat one Sun in the world, and there is but one San of righteoufnefs which gracieufly fhinethupon me ; fpeaking further, he concluded thus, Iblefs God, lhave fo much light of joy and comfort inmy foul , that wereit put to my . will) or choice , Ihad rather a thorsfand times die than live, As the hearts of thefe. worthies were the dwelling place oflight , fo is the heartof every godly perfon in his meafure and degree ; the light of knowledge and of joy abide there. The Apoffle faith (z C'or.4,6,) godwho commandedlight to thineout ofdarknefi,hath fhined into our hearts,togivethe light of the knowledge oftheglory of God in thefaceofjefas Chraft: And where thatfhine of God gives the light of knowledge, the light of comfort cannot be with- held , unlefs it be for a feafon, thatthe foul may rejoyce the more in the end , and at laff without end. For, Lafily, There is an eternal light, the light of Glory, and that bath a certain dwelling place; that light dwelleth alwayes in heaven ; and the Saints at ref+ in heaven, dwell alwayes in that light-. Eternal glory is called the inheritance of thefaints in light, Col. a. r a. ) Again,