Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. .fin Expofztionupon the Bookof Jos. Verf. 2ó. was grieved , anguifh filled his fpirit; and God would have him fee, know, and acknowledge his hand in all. As if he had laid, Thucan't nomore difrfe the peace or trouble , the light or darknefs of thy condition , than thou tang difpofe of light or darknefs in the air. All our changes , from darknefs to light, from light to darknefs, proceed frcm the unchangeable God. And as light and darknefs have their confiant turns in the air, fo they have very frequent turns in the life of every man. Therefore , they who when God caufeth darknefs to cover and compafs them about , do not acquiefce and refi in his good pleafure, but murmur and are tumultuous ; there (I fay) do as if they would take upon them to order the courfe of light and darknefs in the world ; thefe de o otherwile, than as if at mid- night they fhould call for day, or at mid-day for night. Difcom- poled fouls are like fick bodies ; they who are fick, or ill at cafe, cannot bear eichernight or day ; in the day they defire night, and in the night day : fo it is with them of fickly fouls. Such are of- ten heard faying in the morning , Would God it were evening , and in the evening , Would God it were morning : Nothing pleafeth them. Did we acknowledge thehand of God inmaking it night , we fhould fit down quietly inour darkefi night, as to impatience , even while we are mot+ earnefily praying for the return of morning light. Impatience was in a great meafure jobs failing , though he had a great meafure of patience. He made (as we fay) an ado in the night of his trouble , as if he would have made it day when God had made it night anddarknefswith him. Oremember, the way of light, and the place of d arknefs, the bounds and paths of both are in the hand, or at the command. of God. Thirdly , In that the Lord put this amonghis owngreat works; and takes it out of the hand of job, or of anyother creature, to order light anddarknefs, Note ; The workof God in ordering light anddarknefs is wonderful. And we cannot but be convinced that it isfo, if wecon& der; Firfl,Theconfiant fucceflìon of day and night in all places. AS lure as theday cometh , the night will come ; and as fure as the night is come, day is coming. There is an unchangeable chance Z 2 CV, 171