Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

.72 Chap. 38. ,4n Expofition upon the Boek,of o B. Verf. Htween light and darkness, they mils not a moment in their co- mings or returnings.Secondly,If we confider lightand darknefs as to their increafe 6or decreafç in any place, thus, raj unto day uttereth fpeeeb , and night ante night fheleeth knowledge (P,al. r 9. z.) which force think was a well known Adage or hroverbial Speechamong the Jews, importing the power of God over, and his guidance of them both. God brings the light to the bound of ir, to day at this hour,or minute of the hour, to morrow at that. There is a confiant incontlancy, an uneven evennefs be- tween light and darknefs upon the faceof the earth. We never have light or darknefs twice of the fame length in the fame place and feafon; yet they ever keep their placeand feafon all the world over : where you had them the laff year, upon inch a day, there you may have them this , without a moments variation , though they have varied their courfe many moments every day fine Thus exaóly doth the Lord take or lead the light to its hound, and knows the paths to the houfe thereof. And as there is a great glory coming to God , in ordering light and darknefs, as to the outward face ofthings ; fo there is agreater, as to the inward flare of his people, their foul-flare. And though the Lord lothnot keep loch a confiant courfe in that, yet he obferveth a rule in all the revolutions of ir. We have fometimes light and fomecirxmes darknefs in our fouls : Now the light of comfort increafeth towards us, and anon the night of forrow darkenethupon us. Our fouls meet often with chefe turns and changes. Let as adore the wifdom, andfubmic to the holy will of God in all. For though foul-light be alwayes defirable,as well ascomfortable, yet foul-darknefs may fotretreles be ufeful; and this ufe it huh , as often as is comes, even to try how we cancruR God in the dark ; as an to let the world know that we are re folved through grace tokeepdole to the light of comman- dements, how long foever weare kept from, or arc at a lofs for the light of promifes. Laffly, Wemay confider from thisText that n light bath its fpecial honfes or dwellings , fo it bath a fpecial way to its dwelling chalked out (as it were) and appointed by God. And is there not a way, a path , to fpiritual, to eternal light? The way to thefe lights isChrifi, He is theway, theTruth, and the XTfe (John t4.6.) fie is the true, theonly way to life, to ápiri;