Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. An Expolition upon the Boolcof J o B. V"erf. 22, S Treafures are not made up with a little. Chrill faith (Mat. 13. 35.) ggood,man bath agood ereafure in his heart, andan evil man an evil treafure there ; becaufe the one bringeth forth good rhings, and the other evil things out of his heart; there both pod and evil perfons keep their (lore of good and evil things, and there good men ( hould have, and evil men alwayes have a great deal in flore. For this realm) alto God ash much bring the wind oat of his treafures (Pfal. t 3 5. 7.) He wind and mighty winds at his difpofe. God who hath made all . things by his Word or Will, can have as much of ;very thing as hewill. Secondly, Note ; Codhath[now andhail readyfor his ferviee. He bath them as in a Store -houle or Treafury. Pharaoh bui r TreafareCities (Exod. t.1 t.) or places of recta, in which he kept either his publick creature of Gold and Silver , or his Artillery and Amnunition for War , or great quantities of Corn and Grain againfi a time of need. CbriPt faith , Every fcribe which rs inflrubled unto the Kingdom of Heaven , is likeunto a max that is an Houfhalder , which bringeth forth oat of bis treaftere things both new and old(Match. 13. 5 2.), he is notto leek,. he bath them in a readinefs for u fe , and fo is himfelf ready to eve- ry good word and work,whenany have nie of him for good, We maybe lure God is never to leek, nor (as we fay) out of forts, for any kind of means or inßruments to.carryon his fervice , aad toeffe& any purporeof his, whether inwrath againft the wicked, . or in favour of fuch as fear him. Again, in that the Lord faith , Haft thou tutrel_, ç>:c.. Half thou teen, tl`e. Note , Thirdly ; Noman knoweth nor can any-manconceive, what treafures and flores, what abundance either of good or evil, of wrath cr- live God.bath. (Pfd. 9o. , r.) Who ltnoweth the power of thine anger ? i may, fay alfo , who knovreth the power of thy love ? that is , it is no: known , no nor knowable, what powers GA can put fo;th either in anger or love. , Eyebath notfeel; (faith the Apoflle, a Cor. 2 9.) not.