Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Fundi calami- amgran& Chap. 3g. a4n Expofitionupon the Book of J o E. Verf. 23. nor ear heard, neither have entred into the heart of man, the things which God bath preparedfor them that love him. Andas thepre- parationsof God for them that love him , fo his preparations a- gaint+ them that hare him , are fuch as no man bath fo much as Peen, much lets entred into. It the treafuresof Mow and hail exceed our conceptions, what do the treafures of fire and brim- fione in the bottonslefs pit r what is the pile of fire and much wood inToph. et, which the breath of the Lord , like a arumof brimfkone kiindleth? (Ifa. 3a. A 3.) But force may fay , why bath the Lord fuch vat+ treafures of fnow and h ail ? what are they good for , or towhat ufe do they ferve ? What the ufe or afefulnefs of the fnow is, as well as the nature of it , was Chewed in force particulars at the firth verfe of the 37th Chapter. Here God himfelf declares what ufehe bath of fnow and hail , or what fervice he puts them to, in the next words. Verf. 23 . Which 1 bave referved again(l the time of trou- ble , aping the day of battel andwar. MGod bath madenothing invain, fo he Both not refereeor lay up any thing in vain. The Lord is aGodof knowledge (I Sam. 2. 3.) byhim, asour atlio,s, fo his own are weighed. This verfe fhews one ufe or end of his referving floresof fnow and hail, and that anextraordinary one. The ordinary ufe of fnow and hail is for forcegood or benefit to menindifferently , as the Sun (hines and the rain falls, whether good or bad. The de here fpokenof is onely for the hurt and puniíl-tment of bad men. Some refrain theantecedent of this relativewhich , in the be- ginning of the verle, to the hail onely, becaufe no mention is made (fay they) in Scripture of anyhurt done by fnow; butof hurt done by hail we read more than once there. Yet as an- cient hifkories fo later experiences have reported, that both men and beets have been, not onely covered,but fmotheredwith fnow , and overwhelmed by floodsand great inundations, canted by the fudden melting of ic. Therefore I conceive, we may take the ,vord,which,referringuntoboth. WhichI havereferved, &c. There are otherrendrings of the HebrewWord by us rendred re-