Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. AnExpofttion upon theBe.k, of Je a. Verf. 23. refereed , all which may center in the fame fenfe. Ftrfi , The Vulgar Latine faith , which Ihave prepared. Secondly , The Septuagint , Which 1 have flared up, or which are (fired up, Thirdly, others thus , Which Ihave prohibited or flayed , re- I," rained, detained, or with-held ; fo the word is ufed (gen. 2o. Per finfini- 6.) I alfo withheld theefromfinning againff me , faid God to A- Jlrun prohibe bimelech. Such things as we prepare and flore up for fume fpe- Mrc.Iff". cial ufe we detain, flop or with-hold from all other nies, till our occafionscall for that. Thus we may fay here, the Lord having as it were'floredup fnow and hail inhis great Magazin or Aida, he there detains and referves them for the ores he bath appoint- ed them unto, that is, as it followeth in the Text, Againff the timeof trouble. TheWord in the Hebrew here tranflated time, notes a fpe- TempúVklor' cial feafonof time, that which we commonly call opportunity , ra- tunum oc, Cher than time in general , or as it is a (pace of fo manyhours, clays or years. David (Pfal. 9. q.) callsGod arefuge in time of trouble ; that is, the Lord marks and hits the fittefl time to comein and help his out of trouble. Thus, as they who referve things,do it till a feafon of ufing them prefents it felf ; fo God re- ferves the fnow and hail till he bath a feafon,anopportunity to ùfe them,what that is,himfelf(as was faid)expreffeth in the Text,it is The timeof trouble, orofffirait.r. When trouble comes , flraits come , and great' troubles re- .. r 7. duceus to great flraits ,and compel us to fay as that good King ad tamps or- 5ehofaphat did (2Cbron. 2o.) we know not what to do. The Mon vel Rngu- Septuagint render , 7-he time of the enemies, that is , when I 4ufti am refolved to puni!li or defiroy my enemies. The word figni- fies. both trouble and anenemy, and both may well be compre- hended under one word , teeing no trouble is more troublefome, pun fiols. not can put us to greater i rails than the appearance of a power- Sept, fui enemy ; which was f ebofapbati cafe , when in a time of trou- ble he cried o°ut, We know not what to do. And this notion of the word , as taken for an enemy, falls inclearly with the latter cjaufe®f the verfe. á4gaint