Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

184 Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book, of J o.s.Verr. Prehura. rr.7.;nL d radi: mr1 r `Vefci. Againff the day of - battel and war. As if the Lord had faid , When my enemies come fortha- gain( me , thefe are the Weapons , this the Ammunition, which 1 at any time.can , and often do make ufeof in the day of battel and war, The word rend red barrel, fignifies to a;proach becauie in a day of battel , enemies or oppcuites approach ore to another, and charge each other. The word rendred war, fprings from a root fgnifying to eat , because the fvvord of war isa great eater, and devours the bodies of men. Now when God breaks forth inanger againfl obftinare fanners, his enemies , and brings any fore and de(troyi g judgement upcn them , he is faid to have war with them , or to make war againfl them : Who wouldlet the briars and thorns inbattelagainfi me , faith the Lord (Iia. 27. 4.) So then ., Both the timeof trouble and the day of battel and war fpoken of in this Text, are the timeand day of the Lords wrath and vengeance declared againa his implacable and incorri- gibleenemies : Snow and hail are treafured up and referved a- gainfi this time of trouble, againfi thisdayof battel and war. Hence Note , Firf ; Godbath a check.uponall creatures. He referves or Bops them as, and as long ashimfelf pleafeth. Hecan prohibit fnow and hail and command them not tocome. As they will furely come at any time , if he commends them to come,fo if he commands themnot to come tillfuch or fuch a time, theywill not come till then.The foveraignty cfGod isabfolute o- ver the creature. When Nebachadnez.zars underfianding retur- ned tohim , then hepraifed and honouredhim that liver, for ever (Dan.4.34.) whofe dominion is, an everlaffing dominion,andconfef- fed (verf.35.) that be dothaccording tohis will in the army of hea- ven; that is, the Angels, the Sun, Moon , and Stars , as allo the Meteors , Snow and Hail , &c. all, or any of thefe, are thear- my of heaven , an army railed in the heavens ; in this army God dothaccording to,his Will, as well as among the inhabitants sf theearth. Se: