Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

a85 Chap. 33. an Ézpoftion upon the Bookof ) o B. Verf, bit, of joy and sort ow, are at thy difpofe ; thou cutter out my times , not onely as to the length or fhortnefs of them , but as to the form and condition of them. Now if the Lord difpofeth and ordereth cur times, what they (hall be, whether troublous or prrof,?ei ous , thenhe mua needs know what times will be times of cc-cubic. Fifthly Note : Prefentimpranity it noaffuranceof future indemnity to(inners. judgement is but referved , and the infiruments of it , (rota sna hail , &c. kept up for a while. Prodigals and fpend thrifts may born , but the date of the bond will come out , and then an arrea comes. Let (inners remember, the infiruments of di- vine vengeance areonly referved , they are not broken nor can away; and whofoever are found in fin, their fin (that is the pu- nifiamentof their fin) fooner or later will find them out (Numb. 32. a 3.) As God fometimes defers togive out mercy to his faithful people ,but never denies it them; fo he often defers the trouble of the wicked , but never (they continuing to do wick- edly) acquits them from ir. The Apoale Peter prophefying of fate teachers , who (ball bring in damnableherefies , even denying the Lord that bought them , and (hall bring upon themfelves fwift; deruFfion (2 Pet. 2. a. ) faith of them alto (v. 3.) . Whofe judgement now of a long time lingreth not , and their damnation. 12um6reth not. Though all Teems to be well with them at'prefenr, and h.thbeen fo a long time , yet their mifery is certain ; it nei- ther lingers nor flumbers,as tothe Lords time,thoughit may feers to have done both, in theirs. The wicked, how long foever they efcape judgement , are notpreferved from it , but onely referved to it , as follotiweth in the fourth and ninth verfe of that Chapter. As the fallen angels arc referved in everlafling chains ofdarknefr, (that is, in chains that will hold them faa enough for ever) unto the judgement of the great Day, or to the Great Day of judgement : Which intimates two things concerning the falles Angels. Firn, That their torments are not yet at the greatefi, nor their fufferings at the higher. Secondly, That their punifhment is unavoidable , for they can never break nor file off chofechains. (As Illy the fallen Angels are