Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3g. an 'Expoliteon upon the Book of jo). Vert. 2 3. 187 are Paid to be referved to judgement in chains of darknefs, at the hxth verfe of the Epiflie of rude; fo at the a 3th verle of the fame Epifle it is laid that to feducers and falfe teachers(whocaufe many to fall) The blacknefs of darenefs is referved fir ever ; they have it not, but 'cis referved for them. Their prefent impunity is no affurance of their future indemnity. From he latter pare of the verfe ," where the time of trouble iscalled , The day of battel and war , Ohrerve , Firff ; Obflinate and impenitent (inners make war (in a manner) with Clod bimfelf, Though they fend not a Herald formally to defehim,yet a rem folved progrets infin (let God fay what he will , and do what he will) is a real defiance of him , or a bidding him do his worft. If was laid of the oldGiants ( men of great Rarure ) They were fighters againfi the Gods. We may fay, men of all ßa- diffi ' tures, even dwarfs and pigmies for bodily Rat ure , raitewar a- gainfl the great God by prefumptuous finning. Did not men make a war upon God by doing evil , God would never make war up- on them, by fending evil. Men are vain when they fall into fin, but they are worfe than vanity , when they Rand out in finning. Who ( faith the Lord , Ifa. 27.4. ) wouldfet briars and thorns a- gainfi me in barrel (none but a Mad-man will) I would,e thorow, or (as the Margin bath it) march again(# them , I would burn them together. Can briars and thorns abide contendingwith God,who is a confuming fare ? If God fend forthan army of his meanefi and moll contemptible fouldiers,flies from the air,lice fromthe earth, even a mighty Pharaoh mull call for a treaty , and beg a parly. If he command fnow and hail, much more lightning and thunder out of the clouds to fight againfi hisenemies , how loon are they overwhelmed and confounded I 'Tis bell therefore never tobe- gin this war , and the next bell is, fpeedily to fue for peace. Secondly, Obferve; a dayof battei and war is eminently a time of trouble. There may be trouble where there is no war, but where war ii, there cannot but be trouble. War or the fword,is notoriely one of chofe four fore judgements , but the firfi of the four, with Bbl which