Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

38 . ) o s. Verf. 23. 189 ¡} , °that he can make the molt devouring and deflru&tive creatures harmlefs and hurtlefs to us. Thus be (t.:pc the fiery furnace ;ronvfo much as tinging a hair , or impreftìng the lealg fined of burning upon thole three worthies ( van. 3. 27.) He alto tbut the mouths of chofe hungry Lions, not only from tear- ing and totally devouring, but from touching Dansel tohurt him (chaps 6. 22.) Secondly , That he can make the moftharrnlefs and hurtlefs creatures to hurt us. How powerful is God, who cancrufh the ftrongeft man on earth by the tiveakefl of his creatures r There was much of God in ir, that fame of his people'_of old , through' faith, out of weakne fs were inade f rong , waxed valiant (being cis like before, of a fearful fpiric) in fight, turned toflight the armies of the aliens (Heb. a 1.33, 3 4.) And is there not muchof God' in ir, when any fort of creatures weak,and inconfiderable in them- felves , are armed by him to confliawith and get the vito: yo- ver his ftrongef} andproudeft enemies 1 Fourthly , Note ;. God can make a time of trouble terrible. He hath a referve of fnow and hail in his creafury againfl the time of trouble, againfi the day of bartel'and war. As God can make a day of trouble comfortable to his fervants ; he canbe a biding placefrom the wind, and a covert from the tempefl ; ac ri- vers of water ina dryplace, and as the fhadow of a great rockin weary land (Ifa. 32. 2. ) All which metaphors liignifie one and' the fame thing, that Chrill will be comfortable to his people ei- ther immediately or by provifion of means in the molt trouble- fome times , there intended by wind and tempeft , by a dry place and a weary land. And that he had been all this to his in fuch a day , the fame prophet allures us ( chap. 25.4. ) 7hou hall been a flrength to the poor ,. a flrength to the needy in bùdi-. ftrefs, a refuge from theflorin, a fhadowfrom the hear, when the bl41 of the terrible ones is ac a florin againfl the wall. The Hi- fiory of the taking of jernfalem by the Babylonians, fet down by yeremy , tells us, that he was fully heard and anfwered , when' he prayed ( chap. 17. 1 7.) Be notthou a terror to me s thou art my hopein the day of evil. Jeremy found the Lord very favourable to him , and givinghim favour in the eyes of the enemy, cht