Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

190 Chap. an.Expofi'tion. upon theBook of J o a. Verf. that evil day , the day of battei andwar came upon j erufaleno, Thus fometimes God flayed, his roughWind in the day of the Eafl-wind (lia. 27. 8.) that is, he forbeareth tofhew himfelf rough, harfhor grievous to his people , when great troubles are otherwsfe upon them, noted by the Eatt-wind , which natural- ly is a blotting, bluf}ring, and boitlerous wind ; and therefore a day of great trouble is elegantly expreffed or called , a day of the £aft -wind. When the Pfalmitl had defcribed the biped hu- tniliariohs of the people of Ifrael in the Wildernefs, which he ar Its their flattering God with their lips, and lying unto him with their tongues ; This was enough toprovoke God to make their day of trouble terrible to them , yet ( faith that Scripture) He beingfillof comp-Ilion, forgave their inigsity, and deflroyed them not ; yea many a time turned he his angeraway , and did not flir op all his wrath (Pfal. 78. 38.) Though they all fiirred him to wrath , yet he did not (fir up all his wrath ( when it was worft with them) that wouldhave made it a terrible day indeed. This is the Lords way withhis people in an evil day. But when it isa day of battei and war with the wicked world, or with the wicked of the world , he opens his treafures of wrath , and will let them fee and feel what (totes of fnow and hail he hash referved againfl that time. And hence it is , that fuch are reprefented in the day of the Lord , going into the c. lifts of the roclkr andinto the tops ofthe ragged rock! for fear of the Lord , and for the glory of his Majefly when hearifeth to fhabe terribly the earth (lfa. 3, z r.) Laflly , Note Snow andhail are Gods weapons and artillery, with which be fometimesfights againfl finfulman The Lord of Hofis hash fuch infl:ruments of war in hisArmo- ry , as no Prince can produce nor make ufe of, either to offend nimiumd:- his enemies, or to defend himfelf. An ancient Poet faid of retiedei,cui Theodolite, the Emperour, 0 thou greatly beloved of God, for mihtat ether. whom the heavens fight, and at the found of whole trumpets the Er conjuran winds, the confederate winds, prefent their fervice and aJflance. rt eaventi. The Thundering Legion in the Armyof Aurelius the Emperour, Ciaudian, is famous in the Church Hiftory, and bath been mentioned be-. Bufeb. Ecc1. fore, upon otherpaffages of this Book, together with the occa- iiitior. r. f.c.s. lion