Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. An Expofittonupon theBeokof1 o s. Verf.13. day of barrel and war, who can make any thing ferve him effe- &ively as an Army; and therefore thy whd being in dilirefs fee no more help in man,-than David, when he Paid (Pfal. r 42.4.) 1 looked on my right hand , andbeheld , but there was no man that would know me (howwell îoever I was known to him) refuge failed me, there was noman that cared for myfoul ; that is , that regarded what became of me I was left at lix:and fevens,to fink or iwim, to (hift for my fell as well as I could : they, I ray, who are thus dillrefed , having an intere(t in God , need not deipair nor defpond , Peeing the Lord cancharge or prefs any creature for our aid and help, yea can help us without the aid of any creature. Secondly, lake heedof provokingGod , who bath f ich Armes and Armies alwayes at command. ris dangerou; medling i.h a prvAred enemy. God can ne- ver be fu-pried nor taken unprovided. A< thewicked bendtheir bow, and crake ready their arrow upon the firing' that they may privily [hoot at the upright in heart (Pial. 11. z. ) So the Lord bath hisbox alwayes bent , and his arrow made ready upon the Bring, openly to (hoot at the falle inheart. Though is be ufuallÿ long before he rakes revenge , yet 'ris not becaufe he is unrea- dy and cannot, but becaufe patient , and will not take it rooner. He is alwayes able to avenge himlelf, not onely fpeedily,but pre- fently. As he will do what he bath fpoken, fo he can dowhat he will with a word fpeaking. Thirdly , Would we not fear fnowor bail, or any miffiveweapon of heavers, then let u, get God to be oar friend , in whole hand , and at whofe command they are, No creature moves but by dire&ion fromGod ; and Purelyhe will never dire& them to the hurt, though often to the afflicRï- on and corre&ionof thofe whom he loves. As fuch are in league with the Ropes of the field , and the bea(ls of the field are at peace with them ; foalloare the liars of heaven, and all the mt- teors ( mow and hail, &c.) in the air. C c Fourthly, 195