Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. an Expeftion opon the Book,of Jo B. Verf. 23. rg; Gheelwill do thee tents thee , but am yet a great way off ( pof- fibly) fromcoming to do it , prepare tomeet me , fend an Em- baffage ofprayers and tears, and delire conditions of peace. h will be too late to call for a compòfition , or to think of a trea- ty, when the trumpets have founded , and the battei is joyned. if we get not (through ChriR) our peace made before the dayof battei and war in this world , I mean before temporal judge- ments a e givally come upon us, and have taken hold of us, we may fmart_fòundly before we have our peace , and pay dearly for it, before we have it : But if we prepare not tomeet God, and get our peace made thrcut hChriti,'before the day of battei and war in the next world , I mean before Death and the Eternal Judgement come upan us, we than not onely (Mart foundly and pay dearly for that wretched neglect of our feafon, but mull pe- tite for ever , under an impcfhibility of having our peace made. TheDay of Godsbattel and war with the wicked in the next world, is Eternity. Here in this world God faith to the worfi of finners , to him that is but briars and thorns`,(ga..27. 5.), Let him takehad of myftrength (that is, of myGrace, ,or of my Son, which are my flcengch to fave liners) that'he'ptay make peace with me , and (I affure hire his array than not be. n vain)'"he ¡lid make peace with me : I am no inexorable God , yea,'I am eafie to be intreated , if treated with, when, and inwhom,: and in fuch a way as I have offered my felf to (inners , to be rreatedrwith for peace. But if any think to make peace with God in any other . ay than faith and repentance , by any other perfon than Chrift JeCus , at any other time than the timeof this life , we muff re-. rancenull fay, Gofpel theleafi fhadow of at hope that they tlall rançe {hall I or) I' do fo. Cc2 J ©S,