Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

196 Chap. 38. J O B AnExpoftion upon the BooF¿,of J o B. Verf. 24. Chap. 38. Verf. 24, 25, 26, 27, 24. By what way it the light parted? which fiat. tereth theeafÇt-wind upon the earth 2 2g. uhe hath divided a watercourfe for the over- flowing ofwater,) ? or a way for the lightening of thunder. ,6. To eaufe it to rain on the earth, where no man is 5 on the wildernefr , wherein there is no elan t 27. To fatirfte the defolate andwafxieground , and to caufè the bud of the tender herb to fpring forth? T He Lord full proceeds by way of interrogatory with job. In this Context he puts manyqueflions, Firth , About the Light. Secondly, The wind. Thirdly, The waters. Fourthly, The Thunder. Verf. 24. By what way is the light parted ? jc6 wasquefiioned at the Igth verte concerning the light, here the queflion is renewed or repeated, yet furely no needlefs repetition. There aremany things confiderable in the light, chiefly thefe four Pita , The Nature of ir. Secondly , The Original or Spring of ir. Thirdly, The Communications or Effufions of ir, Fourthly , The Effe6ts of it, or what it works. The former two were chiefly intended in the formerqueffioe at the i9th verte , namely, the Nature of the Light and the Ori- ginal of it; here the Lord enquiresof fob about the Communi- cations or Effufions oflight , as alto about the,Effecis of it, which ace the two latter. As