Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

798 Chap, 38. trimExpofrtíon upon the Book of J o a. Verf. 2$. Fi:ft, As there is a new proportion of the light provided e- very day ; for,asic ryas Chewed before , wenever have the light two days together in the fame flare , but more or lets, ihorter or longer. The.light is ! onger in onepart of theyear everyday, and tho: ter in another part of the year every day. This change or partingof the light is a giaions work of God , who fo di vides the light according to the time of the year, that everyday bath a portion, and yet no day bath the fame portion. Porefl deluce Secondly , The light may be laid tobe parted by the power proprieaccipi of Cod at the fame time , or upon the fame day , while in one quaEenuf ilia Coati it is cloudy and in another clear ; yea within our ownview re in tdtúr, ut r e may behold the Sun Thine in one place and not in another. t i.n4tquacæti Some judge this the moli profitable f.nfe , becaufe fo there is a nubesluceant, clearing of this Text £rcm what went before. Doris it aneatie 1uxfolú thing, taking tiis meaning of the word, to tofwer the quetlion easicel r» alils here put to eb. How the Lod parts the light in the fame day and at the fáa time in our v=iew , making it Chine in one place rubibut, scull: and not inanorher. But whether we,,underfland the Text of parting light from darknefs at the Sun riling, or of parting the light at any time of the day after the flunis rif n, the ma t:er is nor of much importance. By what way to the light partid ? Having obferved feveral things about the light (verf. i a.) I (hall onely.give thefe two brief notes from the words under hand. :Frr ti, Goddifpe feth and difpenfes the light wherebe »illeth. The light is a moll Tweet , pleafant creature tobehold , and theLord takes theguidance of it into hisown hand , he parts ir, he proportions it out as himfetf pleafeth. And as this is trueof ae- rial light , fo of a better light than that which Chines in the air, ( though that be an excellent light) the light of the Gofpel. The work of God is as wonderful, I may fay, much more won- derful inparting and dividing, in difiributing and proportioning the light of the Gofpel , than it is in diflributing and giving forth the light of the Sun. Dothhe not at the fame time caufe that light toChine upon one place , while it is darknefs in ano- ther ? As he made aereal darknefs to be a plague in theLand of .Egypt , white it was light in Gofhen, fo he leaves many places under fprruual darknefs, while others enjoy that blcdfed lìght,in :