Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

202, Chap. 38. eAn Expofstion upon the 13ook,of J o B. Verf, 25,1 the Lord , who bath the wholeCreation at his beck, and whofe word every creature obeys , moving and going where and when he himfelf gives order. It is the Lord , whoby the light (or by what means teems good unto him) fcattereth the Eaf ., wind ( or any other wind) upon the Earth., Thenext Q eflion Concerns the waters. Verf. zí. Whobath divided a Water-rotor fe for the ever. flowing of waters ?- The former Qreftion was about the parting of the Light; here, we have a Qáetîion about the Divifon of the Waters.. Who loathdivided, Sic.. The HebrewWord for a River, comes from thisRbot , and iii dedit im- fo alfo doth the Latine Word Pelageoe , which fignifieth the Sea, . tri vehemen- out of which Rivers are derived and divided into the Land.. mima curfuin; vuls Frcm this word alfo the Elder or Firfl-bora Son of Eber was 31B calledPeleg (Gen. ro. 25.) and the Textgivesus the reafon why ?ivus,Yelagss he was focalled , For (faith Aloft; ) inhie days the Earth war di vided vided.; that is it was dillinguiíhed into feveral Coatis and Zqued ow:lb di- + a idanrar & Coun tries, and by feveral Names, which before, lay all as it were deriventurflu, in one Common. Therehave been toomany hurtful divifions in teina, the Earth ,. that is, of men on Earth,,_ ever Pince (in another fenfe) and are at this day : It is fad tofee the fpirits , opinions, and pra&ices of men fo much divided ; but it was and is ufeful, . to have both the foil of the Earth, and the body of the Water di- vided. Here we have the divifion of the Waters. Whobath divided. aWater-courfe. for the over-flowing of wa, ters ? There is.a two -fold divifion of water. We read of the for- mer in the defcriptionof the Creation (Gen. r.7,) where the Lord divided the waters which were fonder the firmament , from the waters that were above thefirmaments and it wasfo. The di vifion, here intended is of the wavers above the-e the Lord makes a divifion of the waters ,.. and gives them their courfes. i The word rendred boater-cour fes fignifies to afcend , or tobe on lDu usoRwe, high,, becaufe the courfe of the wateris from above, or from on :high'; Watermoves alwayes from a higher place. Water natu- rally