Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. Á¢n Expo/itron upon the Beek of J o B. Verf. a 5. 2.03 tally dowetn downward ; 'cis a heavybody , and cannot afcend naturally -, therefore the courfe of the water is from above. As gyi, nifrego menmake Aqueducts, Water- courses, or Conveyances for water curfum der a- byartificial pipes of Lead or Wood (as we fee in this City) or by 9164 è calo de- Channels cut in the Earth ; fo the Lord bath his Water=courfesfk°."r'bu+,vé. above , he bath his Pipes, his Channels in the Clouds, .who ',brhpni /buss kath dividedaWater-courfe menu-fafiot ? Homines foot For the over -flowing of maters ? Ague-duEeea The Word fignifies a great inundation , or a panting forth of pc;, rurfed ús' water, a Charara &. Mofes defcribing the Deluge, faith (Gen. pera r'em4 7.10 Thewindows of heaven were opened. And when at any time nuherndfßri. it rains, it may be Paid , the Lord in force degree opens the win- 'burr. Me cn dows of heaven. We are not to underfiand (as wastoucht be- inundationem fore) this over-flowing c f water, of thewaters flowing upon the squaws on Earth , but of the waters flowing from Heaven down upon the &c illerc.r Earth ; for theLord (peaks not of Floods onEarth to defiroy,but of plentifuland feafonable rain, to nourifh the fruits of the Earth, as is clear from the 27th verfe. Now faith the Lord , Whohark divided a water-courfefor thefe waters ? that they might not come down, as I may fay, in a Full-tea, but as by or in pipes and chan- nels, to refrefh the Earth. The Lord bath his Water-worksin Heaven, as men have theirs on Earth. This elegant Metaphor fhadows out that certain Rule orLaw of Nature which the Lord bath given chofe waters above, when they are commanded to flow down for the ufe and fervice of Man and Beet here below. The Lord enquires of fob for the Author of thefe upper Water- works , Who bath divided a water-courfe for the over-flowing of Waters Hence Note ; Godmares adiv,fionof hiefloret and treafures of water in the clouds, as hinrfefp eafeth; or thecourfe of the water fit di- retied by God, where to fall, and when. As Godhath divided the Earth to theSons of men (Ails t7 26.)as he bath determined their times , and the bounds of their habitation ; fo he bathalfodivided the waters for the Earth,the waters that are above ; and he proportions them according to his own will (Am/ 4.7.) 1 catrfed it to rain eipansuo City, end Ddz raja