Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2e4 , Chap. 38. AnErr fîtion upon the Book,of, o B. Very. 25. caufed it not to rain uponanother. God is fo good, that ufually he cau,et h his rain to fall upon the jell andupon the unju (Matth, q, 44 ) But he can cattle the rain to fall ditlirguifhingly, and not promtfcuoutly. It was the laying of. a Heathen in his fourth Book, concerning the bellowing of benefits ( chap. 28. )' The Ai =Ira in- gods give many benefits tonarhani foil pertm theyprovided them gratis tribut n; or thegood , but they fall to the frare ,/ thebad, becauje it it im Jed iiia honk p;fble to divide them. And inftàncing in rain, he faith , No law paraverant, can begiven to the falling owers or to the(homers when they all au- m er contingunt ma- that they diflill not upon the lands of wickedmin.. Thus,what hat Ik , quiafepa- Sc ipture in (Matthew faith,God doth out ofchoice to Phewhis rari non pof- goodnefs , that this HeathenPaid their Godsdid bat of necefiî- fum. Nec.pote. ry,becaufe they could do no otherwife. if they tent rainupon the rat ebuc dúi, j,t+,the unjufl muff, have it too,.he thought there was noavoiding ne in malorum' of that ; but this Text in rob , and many more up and down the improto.umquè Scripture,, teach us, that God can.pur a,law upon the fhowers of rora deflúe- rain ; he hashhis Water-courier, and can direa the rain ro what rent. Sen. do place and perlons he will;, he can command it to fall by his law, Ecnef. 1.4 when and where, and upon whom he appoints. God retains his, e, aS0 fr;ueraignty for a difiin&diftribution' of the waters; though to declare his bounty and mercy , he ufually makes no difference, but diliributes it alike to all, TheLord is fogood,. that he feeds his enemies , and nourifheth a world of wickedones, or the wicked world everyday; yet he retains his Empire over the clouds hill,, and he divides a Water- courfe for the over- flowing of water ; it falls by, his appointment, where -ever it falls. There., are four things wherein, the Lords'Empire and Sove- raignry over there waters Both and may appear. TheLordorders thecourfe: of there waters , Firs , When they (hall fall. And, Secondly, How long they (hall fall. Thirdly, Where, oe upon what place, they (hali`fall. And, Fourthly , He orders the courfe of therewaters, inwhat quan- tity they Mall fall , whether there (hall be a.greater or a Ie(fer rain; as the rain was ditfingui(hed in the37th Chapter; into the fmail rain and thegreat rainof his (lrength. 'Tis *very fpiritual.duty to give God thegloryof ordering thefe natural rains.,. The rain falls not by fortune or by chance,. bur