Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

chap. 38. .Rn ExpafClo* tJpon the Baok of 3 o B. Verf. a S. 20 ç brat hath its courfes appcinted by the Lord , as certainly as if he had it in aConduit or , and drew out by pipes a portion for every one. Whobath div deda ït'ater-courtefor the over flow- ins of water) ? Or away fr the lightning of the thunder? Ifereis another q:teflion, Thunder and lightning have thei "namTzrt way. Some read, Away fr therempeff ?becaufe lightning and'itari Complu.. thunder comes with rcrnpefl. Ocher s taut it in the plural nu.n Er t/;am Ntrn- ber, Ora way f r the Tempefhh ? We render fully , who bath'bo fonoro., made or divided J,Xn. Yicc. Uax Piïbu, 1 tway,ffr the lightnu g of rb; th der tanrum ncryr. tir Zech. WhoditeElsthe lightning-,which breaks fo-th of the Thunder- ro.r. 7.)6i eft cloud with filch fwift violenee,togo the way it takes, anddo the numerotiurah. thing it effcets.. Lightning is very fierce and fubtile : Thun- der is a very violent and furiousM :teor ; yet the Lord kath a way for them allo , as well as for the gentled (Bowers of rain. The Lord can guide t''tunder- bolts,and reach lightning itsway. I 4uliDe ptuvia & not hay upon this matter here , becaufe we had the very fame fidmine roniun- í2ret agir, expreliion , The mg for the lightning of thunder , at the 2ó.h' ea fmrfcens, Chapter,verfe 2.. Thither T refer the Reader r guta mirabito Onely confider , eft agites inter Firfl , How theLord freaks of rain and lightning together, quart adore. and fo (which iswonderful) mingles firewithwater ; the fla[heocuIt. of lightning with the over-fiDwtngs of water. Rainorwa- Secondly, Confider, Where the flrengnhand firefs of the que- fire;but God fiionlyes, and what naturally floweth from ir, namely, that can pioduce Thunder andLightninggo not their ow): way, but to the way that fire the god app9ynts them. The Water moves Gods way, and fo Both the dûofwa' Wind ; the Light moves Gods way, and fó doth the Lightning and theThunder, or theLighrning of the Thunder. The Lord bathall thefeat mo-ccommand, than we have the tamefi or moth Flow paced animals. Thunder and Lightning go r e the markGed fets them. As apiece of Ordnance, or. great Gun, being levelled and firedcarryeth theBullet ; fo rhofe Cannons being difcharged fronitheClouds, carry their Bolts to a hairs breadth,' and mira nor. ter puts out ID