Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

'Chap. 38. an Expoficion upon the Book of 3; o B. Verf. 26. 207 fignifie thecertainty of the thing,, that God gives rain even to fuch places where no man is. There is a very elegant turn of the words in this verfe. The former part faith , To cattle it to rain on the earth where no man is ;. the latter faith , On the wilderneffe where there is no man. There are forne wilderneffes which are inhabited , and therefore God tells us diffinG-ily what wildernefs hemeans. There are two forts of wilderneffes r Firfl, Such as are inhabited. Yohn the &aptill went and preach- ed in a wilderneffe there were Towns and many Dwellings in that wildernefs. Secondly, There are allo rtilderneffes uninhabited. God ì]'1 á pefle fpealtshere ofa wilderneffe where there is noman. The Hebrew 6' morto. q.d. Word which lignifies a Wilderneffe,. fignifieth alio the Peffi- enaminlocte peftifevia P,9' fence , and fo fome tranflace here, In yeflilent places , or in an curan= healthyplaces , in. places untilled or unmanured , becaufe of the dun prebsrfe unhealthfulneffeof them, even in there wilderneffes the Lord deutproviden- fends rain. ttpîmur. Again,. Others conceive the wildernefs here hands in dire& oppofition toEgypt, and that the Lord would intimate, that as Egypt was abundantly watered by the river NJlsss , they making" (luces from that river (as hach been fomewhere noted in this Book) to draw the water all the Country over ; for Egypt is a flatCountry ,. not a Countryof Mountains or Hills. Now faith the Lord, even as Egypt by the drawing of Water-courfes ,, is made fruitful ,, and abundantly fupplied with moiflure , though no rain falls there; fo I will water the Wildernefs with rain from the clouds, as well as they water Egypt, by fluces from the Plemoaratorurrt river Nslssa. Egypt grew very proud or atheiftrcal rather,. be ;nEgyptore- caufe they had fuch an advantage by the river ; which caufed one fpicitcælum. of the Ancients to fay , There is never a Plow-man in Egypt wtllfo send. 4. mach as lookup to Heaven. They took not themfelves at all be- Natur, quell'. holding to God , for the fertillity of their land , they had it all e' zi Pa- from 'Wits. Well,"faith the Lord , I will moiften the very bar- ren neeyrs in á wilderneffe , it (hall be fatisfied with rain , even asEgypt re propter with the waters of the river. The Defert (hall Ire as well water- nulos teäustaa ed by rivers fromheaven, as Egypt is by the river Nitres. But poflulaì imbres whether the Lord hadanv refpcd to that or no, I dare not affert ; Al,;o fuppl at yet it is plain , that the l':ord waters the wildernefs where no man herbyfovi. , even,as well as Egypt is watered, Now Trbul.