Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2.03 Chap. ;8. an Expofeioneepon the Bool¿of o a. Verf. a6- Now fo:afmuch as the rain cometh upon the wildernefs, where t spores pluvi'tisvery improbable tohave rain , becaufe vapours , which are ofe elevantur the matter of rain , are raifed u:.ually from morfil places, from maxime ex lo- thePeas and rivers ; but from the wildernefs,andfromheaths and CN1)urritdH; 1{n- defer is which are dry laces how should vapours rife ? yer, deli nuber 1x U Y P r P Ye a ptuviæ t,on im- faith God , though there is no rain begotten there , yet I will pellorenturd fend rain thither; I will caufe the wind to rife and carry the ventis fermera clouds,and the thunder (hall break the clouds, and they thanpour ntr,gàdtinan- down ware upon the wildernefs. Did not the Lord caufe the quoin inlots winds to d. ive the clouds over wilderncffes anddefert laces and fcen pltleretur. P ) again. there to unburthen themfelves, they would be altogether without rain. '(-fence Note ; tr`bere Naturedenier, or naturalcaufesproduce no rain, God can give it. The clouds may deny rain to the wildernele , becaufe the wilde.nifs yields no moifiure to make clouds, yet the Lord 'tendsrain thither. Again, Confider the wildernefs and defert places, as they are here held forth., together with the providence of God con® serning them ; And foNote , The care and providexceof Gad extends itfelf toallplaices, even to places uninhabited. It is no wonder that God (hould provide rain fo- places that are inhabi:ed.; but wherenoman is,there to water the earth , to What parpofe is that, yet the Lord will water fuch places (as it were) by his own hand , and (as 'cis Paid , Pfal. 107. 35.) Turn the wildernefs into Handing water , and dry ground into Watery fpri,.gs. Though there be no man to eat the fruit , which the rainproduceth from theearth (of which theText fpeaks after- ward) yet Cod will fend rain tomake that land fruitful , for the beafis fake , that they may have grafs and green things to feed upon. Godwill provide for the beafis of the,earth , where there are no men toprovide for them , nor tobe provided for. God is a great Houfe-keeper: He nourifheth all living creatures as well as men, as he preferves, fo he feeds the beal}s of the Earth,