Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

gip, 38. eXnExpofi'tionupon theBookof J o B. Verf. 26. 209 Earth , and the fifhes of the Sea , as well as men (Pfal. 104. 27.) Thefe all wait upon thee (OLord)that thou maifigovt them thtir meat in due feafon; the very fillies in the Sea wait upon Gad for their meat , and fo do fowlsof the air, together with all things moving upon the face of the Earth (Pfal. 145. 15,) The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou giveft them meat in due feafon ; and that he maydo to, he gives them rain in due fea- fon; Ile caufeth it to rain on the Earth where no man , and op- onahewilderneffe,wbere there in no man. God hath beafis topro- vide for, where men are not, and he will not let a beef} that he hath made, want food ; the very worms (hail have a fupport of life. Hence Chrifl argues away all undue care and thoughtfulneffe inman for the fuccours of this life (Mattb. 6:25, 26.) Take no shotegbtforyour life , what ye [had eat, or what ye [hall drink ; nor yet for your body, what ye fhall put on. Behold, the fowlrof the air ; far they [owe not, neither do they reap, norgather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them : areyenot much better than they ? Surely ye are, therefore ye (hall be better provided for than they. Hath God a break-raft ready for every littlebird that comes chirpingout of herNefl ? Hath he a break-fafl ready for every beati in the Wilderneffe that comes out of his den ? and will he not much more provide for you , Oye of little faith ? How encouraging an argument is this to our Faith , that the Lord will providefor all men, and efpecially for his own ; feeing he provides for the fowls of the air, and the beat s of the earth , where there is no man togive them any food , or take any cart ofthem! This confiderationmay flrengthen our dependance on God, though we are brought into a `ñ ildernefs condition, where there is no man to pity us, or give us a morfet of bread. Sure- ly the Lord that feeds the wild beafis where there is no man , can and will provide for his ownpeople, when the hearts of all men are (hut up againfl them ; he can make the fowls of the air and the beafis of the earth CO bring them food , as the ravens did to Elijah. Further, This is an in(lance of the inexhauflible treafure of the Lords goodnefs ; For if he giveth rain in thewildernefs for the beafis ct the earth, may we not thence infer, Purely the E e Lord