Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Vert. "I. to manyappeals, whom he le earneflly defired to take further and fuller cognifance of his Caule, He, even He comes forth as a jufl and righteous Judge , and lets him and his Friends know his mind and judgement in the cafe. So then, The Queifion ventilated in this Book, is not Hated according to the judgement of a man, who is fubje& CO errour, but accord- ing to the infinite wifdom and underrlanding of the great God, who fearcheth the heart, and knoweth all fecrets, who is light, and in whom there is no darknefs at all. And indeed, in the latter part of this Book, we may well con- ceive God himfelf fpeaking, he fpeaks fo like himfeif : For here the underflandingReader may perceive a wonderful copioufnefs of fpeech, and largnefs of difcourfe, flrengthened with the ex- a6eil andweightieti reafons,fet forthwith loch variety of matter; with fuch gravityof expreffions, with fuch prefiìng queries and and interrogations, that it very much excells all that had been fpokeneither by the Difputants or the Moderator. And fuch was the condefcention of God, that hefeems to take the words out of Elihn's mouth, and urge over his Arguments a- new, before he would give the final fentence in this cafe; from which,as there could beno appeal, fo,inwhich,there could be no mitlake. All this the Lord contras into twoOrations,or Speech- es each toof which job.Anfwers, and fubfcribes by an humble fubmiffion. The firfl of thefe Speeches, is contained in this thirty-eighth Chapter, and to the end of the thirty -ninth : To which God calls for an Anfwer in the two fitfl'Verfes,of the fortieth Chap- ter; and yob gives his Anfwer in the third, fourth,;and fifth ver- fes of that Chapter. The fecond Speech or Difcourfe of Gód with lob begins at the fixth verle of the fortieth Chapter, and is continued to the end of the one and fortieth Chapter ; towhich we have Jobs An- fwer at the beginning of the forty fecond Chapter, to the end of the fixth verle ; and then the Chapter clofeth with Gods fpecial and irrefragable Judgementupon, or determination of the Qe- flion between job and his Friends, as all() with a defcription of Jobs bleffed reflauratioo after his fall, to a higher condition of outward grofperity and tranquility than ever he 'enjoyed before. Thus you have the fumme ofwhat sbehind of thewhole Book. B 2 This 3