Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. sfln Expofitian upon. the Bookof J co B. Verf. 27. 211 thine off-fpring, and they (hall fpring up as among thegraje, as willows by the mater-courfes ; that is , they (hall grow and flourith internally in grace and knowledge , andnotonely fo , but they thall openly profefre it and avouch it , as it followeth in the fifth verfe : One (hallfay I am the Lords, andanother (hall callhimfelf by the Name of Jacob , &c. That is, they (hall give up their Names to be enrolled and regifired (as our Annotators exprefs it) in Gods Church-book , or among his faithful fervants. It In defertoplu- was the layingof one of the Ancients with refpe& to this Alle- ere eJ$verbum gory, To fend rain upon the defert , is, to preach the word of God deigentilitati unto the heathens. Aud the Lordmagnifies himfelf in the difpen- GrregL2ç. fation of this fpiritual rain, when as he fends it upon his Garden Moral, ç. t6. the Church, fe alto upon the wildernefs the Heathen, that the wildernefs may become a garden, and the defersa paradife, that they knowing the Lord and believing on him , may be joyned to the Church. Thus alto the Lord divides a water- courfe, tocaufe - it to rain on the earth , where no (believing) man is ; on the wil- derrefs where there is no (good) man, Thereafon of his fo doing, isgiven exprefly in the next words. Vert. 27. To fatisfie the defolate and wafle ground , and tocaufe the bad of the tender herb tofpring forth. Here is the reafon of fending rain upon the wildernefs, it is tofatisfie the deflate and waft ground._ Mr. Broughton renders , The waft and vaft ground. TheVulgar Latine renders , The an- Inviam dyde- paffableground , or at leaf} , that which none patres, and lobe- folatom. Vulg. ingdifufed, lies wall and defolate. But in what fenfe foever 'cis defolate , or by what meansfoever it became defolate , the Lord fends rain to fatis fie it , that is , to water it abundantly fatisfa- Vt rigor ad fa- Ekion , is to have our fill. The very wail ground (hall havee- tietatem ufque. cough , enough toallay the heat and drought of it , enough to make is fruitful, and enough to fruZ ifie the trees and plantsthat grow there , and fo to feed and fatten the beafls that live there. The Vulgar Latine renders, That he may fill thy defolate and Vrimpleret, waftground ; that-which is filled , is or fhould be fatisfied. To &c. Vulg. befull of dayes, in Scripture, is to be fatisfied with living. A sane dterwn Man may have lived manydayes , yet not be full of dayes but & plenur die" he who is full of dayes (as 'cis faid of tome of the Patriarchs) fumf'Drúr is not hungry after more time or dayes in this world ; therefore Eel to