Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

27 2 Chap. `38d AnExpoftion upon the Beekpfjog, Vert; to be filled and fatisfied , import the fame thing. And tobe lure they who arenot facisfied when they are full , will not be fatisfi_ °ed when theyare empty. But however it is with man , we know the earth fpoken of in the Text is fully farisfied ; it gapes for no more, when 'cis filled with rain. And this the Lord will fend, 7'ofat; f fie the defolate andwaftground. But why is the Lord fo careful to fatisfie the deflate and waft ground? The ground is a fenfeleffe thing, that feelsnot thewant of rain. I anfwer, The Lord dothnot fatisfie the ground for the grounds fake , but for their fake who live upon, and aremaintain- ed by theground. Fruit- bearing trees and grafs are maintained by the moulureand fatneffeof the ground; beaus are maintain- ed by thofe fruits and graffe : therefore the Lord facisfies the ground with rain , that it may fatisfie the treesand graffe, ande they the beausthat live upon, it. So then the Lord fatisfiech the ground, that it may fatisfie all fortsof vegetables growing out of the ground , and that they may fatisfie all kinds of animals living upon the ground. Such a gradation we find (Hof. 2. 2 e,22.) Iwilt bear, faith the Lord, !will hear theheavens , and they [halt fear the earth , and the earthpallhear the corn , and the wine, and ths:;il, and they (hall hear fezrael , that is, my people. We may run up the meaning of thispromife backwards , thus, When mypeople (whom I now call jezrael in a way of promue, as in a way of threarning , chap. r 4. ) being prefiëd with hue- ger and famine, cryto the corn, and thewine, and theoil, for food , they fhall hear them ; and when the corn and wine call to the earth for moilure to feedthem,that (hall hear ; and when theearth calls to theheavens for rain , they (hall hear ; and when the heavens call to God for orders to carry rain, he will hear them. It isfor mans ufe that God makes the earth fruitful ; and where there arenomen , 'cis for the beaus fake, that he fatisfi- eth thedefolateand waftground. Hence Note, Firti , Cod it not wanting to any of his creatures , according to their ;ate. He will notlet the fenfelefs ground fuffer hunger and thiru o= irerlong, that (hall havefood after its kind, or proper forit. Second: