Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 8. An Expofition upon the Book, of J o a. Verf. 27. 213 Secondly, Note; Even theEarth knows when it loath enough. It isfatisfied. And this may be a great reproof upon the in- fatiablenefs of many men ; they in this are much worfe thanthe defolate and waft ground , that may be fatislied , that will crave no more. But whereas Solomon faith , there are four things that fay not it is enough (Prov. 3o. r 1) i6.) Of all things, the defires of man are molt unfatiable, and fay not it is enough. It was a great word which Efau fpake , 1 have enough mybrother (Gen. 33, 9 ) and I fear he hath but a fewbrethren in that faying. Among the four things which in Solomons observation fay not it is enough , the earth is one, inthe place lafl mentioned. But mark , It is the earth , that is not filled withwater. For whereGod is pleated to- fill the earth with water , then as this Text inyob fpeaks, itis fa- tisfied ` He caufeth it to rain on the wildernefs, to fatisfie the de- folate andwaft ground. Further, This may alfo comfort us in all our wants. For doubdefs the Lord who rakescare to fatisfie the fenfelefs ground, will fatisfie his believing people early with hismercy (Pfal. 9o a4.)whentheycry tohim; yeahe will fatisfie themnot onely with good in this life, but with long life will hefatisfie them, and Phew them his Privation (Pfal. 9r. 16.) Hewill abundantlybleffe Sion: provifon ( What is that ? The Word and Ordinances chiefly) aid fatisfie her poor with bread ; with the bread of life efpecial -' ly. Laftly, God fends rain tofatisfie the defolate waft ground. Hence Note ; God bathrain enoughfer all places. 14e can fpare it for mefieground and wilderneffes. And there- fore , if he fupplieth not eur paflures , corn-fieldss, and gardens with rain , itis notbecawfe he cannot fend it , or hashnot enough to fend , but it is to punifh us for fin. dod both not with- hold rain from any place , becaufe heis fparing of his treafures, is more for laying them up than giving them out; but becaufe he is provoked by the unthankfulnefs of man, for, or by his abufe ofhis former bounties. TheLord forbids the clouds todrop down the rain upon inhabited places, andbids thewconvey it towatee wil-