Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

314 Chap. 38. e11nExpofrtion upon the Boob of J o B. Verf. 27. SiefierilíPSs wormdivi- tiseyfertili- In eft defertl- wilderneffes, when inhabited places havenot honouredhim for ic, nor brought forth fruits of righteoufnefs anfwerable to the fruits of the earthby the blefling ofrain. Thus alit) Chri(f willtake the kingdome, that is, the king-dome of the Gofpel, the rain of holydo&rine, from an unthankful and unfruitful people,and give it to a Nation that will bring forth the fruits of it, as he chreacned the Jewes ( March, s I. 43. ) and afterwards fulfilled that threatningupon them ( Acs c 3.46. ) Lo we turnto theGentiles. Ye having refufed and abufed the of- fers of Chrifi made to you by us ; we will now go with our rain to the wall anddefolate ground, or to thewildernefs ; that is, to the Gentiles , and they will receive it, and be thankful. The fcarcity of Gofpel mercy whichGodbrings upon anyplace, is a punifhment of their barrennefs under Gofpel means. And have not we caufe to fear at this day , that forafmuch as we are fo like that earth fpoken of (,(deb, 6. 8,) which drinketh in the rain, yet (inftead of fruit meet for his tie by whom it is dreffed) beareth briars and thorns ; have not we caufe I fay to fear) that we arenigh to fome curfe and burning, or that the Lord will car- ry away the rain to Heathens, who as yet are a defolate and waft: ground. WW1MO Yo caufe the budof the tender herb tofpringforth. EXítum germi Hart Pro- The natural effect of rain is growth, or to caufe the badof the prieherbatene-4ender herb to bring forth. IfGod denies water to matured and ra.Bxitum her- well husbanded lands , theywither ; and even defolate defarts óa barn vocather- and wafle grounds flourifh when God waters them then the èpede- m èterraraPro bud ofthe tender herbypringsforth, t a antem. Druf. Hence Note ; Natural caufes produce proper natural Teas. When God fends rain on defolate places , they bud and fpring forth. When the rainfalls , the herb flourifhes ; where theSun fhines, thegraffe grows. And furely thus it is in fpirituals, fpi- ritual caufes bring forth fpiritual effe&s; if the Lord fends the rain of the word upon defolate fouls, the foul receiving it will bud, and the tender herbwill bring forth. Mofes (Deut. 32.1, 2. ) compared his D.sEfrine to the [mall rain upon the tender kerb, , war, thejhowres upon.thegrafjt. How,green are the herbs after rain