Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 8. tí1" Expofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 27. 215 rain, and the graffeafter fhowres ! Herbs and gaffe bear wit- nefs to the bounty and goodnefs ofGod , in givingTweet (howres of rain : Natural rain is teen in their locks , and fo fhouid fpiri- tual in our lives. And if , where the rain of the word falleth, they that receive it , do not bud and bioffome and bring forth fruit, the defolate wildernefs will rifeup in judgement againft them, the wafie grounds will condemn them. They will fay, Lord, you fent rain upon us , and-lo, here are our buds and our bloffomes, yea, here's the fruit which we have brought forth. Will not this flame our barrennefs ? Hath the Lord divided the- Water-courfe of the Cofpel , and caufed it to rain on us from day today , and (hall not we Phewour buds and bloffomes of ho- linefs, our fruits of faith and repentance , that he may come in- to his garden , and eat of his plcafant fruits ! Howdreadful! Shall the wa(ewilderneffes and defolate grounds bring forth, when the rain falls'upon them, and (hall not the Church ! It is not bare profeffag, but fruit-bearing, which honours God (John z S. 8.) It is uncomcly if fo much as a leaf of profeffion wi- thers ( Pfal.- i . 3. ) But how green foever the leaves of our pro- feflion are , yea,though they (hould retain their greennefs under the hortefi and mofi fcorching Sun of Perfecution, yet what would it advantage us , if our leaves are not accompanied with good fruits. Now, If any fhould ask , What mean you by good fruits ? Or what fruits are good ? I (hall clofe the point in hand with an Anfwer to thefe Queflions. Thefe good-fruits confidered in reference to their efficient caufe, are called fruits of thejpirit (Gal. 5.22.) and in re- ference to the matter of them , theyare called fruits ofrighte- minefi (Phil. but in reference to the beginning or occafi- on of them, they are called fruits meetfor repentance (Match. 3. 8. ) In general, all that is goodfruit , which is conformable to the Word of God ; whether it be the 'conformity of our na- tures to it, inconverfion ; or the conformityof our wayes to it,in our daily converfation. More particularly, thefe good fruits are of two forts : IFirfi, Inward fruits , or chofe which we bring forth within; that is, inour hearts ; thefe are tecrets, and only itnown to God. *conk;