Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2116 Chap, 32. e/In Expoftion upon the Book of J O B. Verf. 27, Secondly, Outward fruits , which we bring forth in our lives; thee are or may bePeen of men ; yet they muff not be brought forth , that we may be Peen in doing them , but, that menfeeing ourgood workj,mayglorifaeour Father which is in Heaven (Match. 5. 116.) Our inward good fruits (which are indeed our choicefi and mnofi fpiriutal good fruits) are of three forts. Firli, Good Thoughts. To do good is b:fi for others but to thinkgood, or to have many good thoughts,is the bets proof, that we our (elves are good. Soleasan faith (Prov. 12. 12.) The root ofthe righteous yieldeth fruit. The rootof a righteous man is his heart, and the firfi-fruits of a good heart are good thoughts. He is a precious perfon , and bath a precious heart., that can fay as holy David did (Pfal, t39. iv.) How precious .arttby thoughts ontome,0Gad, howgreat is doe ferns of them! That is,the thoughts which I have of thee O God , are exceeding precious unto me; and I have many , verymany of them, more than I am able to fum or reckon up. Secondly , Good affe6iions are good inward fruits , fuch are godly forrow, joy inGod,.love to God, longing after God (Pfal. 27.4. ?fa'. 42. 1, a. Ifa.26.9.) hatred of evil; all thefe mov- jogsof the heart, are good and precious fruits. Thirdly (which are the iffue and refuit of both the former) good purpofesand holy refolves to cleave fats to God , to nick (as Davidexpreffeth it , Pfal. 1119, 3 t,) to his tefiimonies, wayes, and truths, at all times , efpecially in timesof trial ; or continue with Chria in his temptation : thefe are very good in- ward fcuits(Pfal, 17. 3. Dan, c. ;;. Aftr Ir,23.) Outwardgood fruitsstre of two forts : Firfl , Goodwords are good fruits. The lipsof the right-tow feedmany ( )Edifyingwords (Eph. 4. 29.) words of exhortation togood (Heb, 3. 13.) words of reproof as CO evil, (Gal. 6. z.) words of comfort to thé fad and forrowful (r Thejf, $. 14.) all thefe words are good fruits. Secondly , Good works , firfi, of holinefs towards God , fe- condly, of righteoufnefsand love towards all men, thirdly, of charity to the poor ; all thefe are outward good fruits; and all tilde the Lord looks for , where-ever , or uponwhomfocver he fends the rain of his word. JOTS,