Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. con Evpoftion upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 28, .z3 the enemy like a fior:, yet it may be Paid to comeand fail' upon him like a Dew, both becaufe it comes aiwayes like a multitude, and becaufe it comes fomtimes very fiiendy to furprize him at unawares. Who kath begotten the drops of Dew ? Hence Note, as before of the Rain, fo here of the Dew, God is thefather of the Dew, as well eu of theRain. The Dew differs not much from the Rain ; both are of the fame nature, and they have the fame Father, and he will be own'd ih the Dew as well as in the Rain. The Prophet Haggai reprov- ing the returned jemes ( Chap. a. to. ) for their neglect in not building the Lords Houle, reprefents the Lord thus fpeakingto them ; Becaufe ofmy boafe that so waft,andye run everyman to his ems houfe ; that is, you eagerly and violently ( running is avio- lent exercile) purfue your private endsand interefis,net mind- ing nor promoting my honour and worfhip ; Therefore the Hea- soenover you isflayed fromDew, and the earth is flayed from her fruit. The want of Dow makes manywants. If we want but the Dew of Heaven we (hall quickly want the fruits of the Earth. We dually take notice of the want of Rain, but we feldome take notice of the want of Dzw, or pray for the falling of it; nor dowe give thanksfor it (as for Rain) when we fee it fallen,and fweet- ly filling the bofomeof the earth. Yet the with - holding of Dew ( though Dew be a tels matter than Rain ) is a greater Judg- ment than the with- holding of Rain ; for'ris a flgn that the Judg- ment of drought is at the height, or in the perfeelion of it, when theLord doth not only withhold the Rain which is the greater mercy, but the Dew too,which is the leffer. O how dry mull the earth be when it bath not only no plentiful fhowers of Rain, but not fomuch as a drop of Dew! And therefore when the Prophet Eliab would (her/the extreamity of the Famine which was corn- ingupon lfrael, he made that high protefi (t Kings s. 17.) As ebe Lord GodofIfrael livethbefore whom 1Rand, there fhall not be Dewnor Rain tbefeyears, but according to my word. Not only (hall ye have noRain,but noDew ; and when the Heaven is flay- ed from giving Rain or Dew, the Earth mufl needs be flayed from yielding fruit or food. And fo great is theLords care indif- pofing the Dew of Heaven, that Solomon tells us ( mrov. 3.20.) Byhisknowledge the depths arebreken up, and theClouds drop down Dew,