Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

224 Chap. 38. en Expoftionms`onthe Bookof J o B. Verf.28, Dew. As if he,had faid, The Dew doth not !teal down upon the earth without Gods knowledge ; not a drop of it deflils upon the earth without his orders and privity. And when 'tis faid, By his knowledg the Clouds drop down Dew, it bath this in it ; God knows what moyflure is meet for the earth,whether little ormuch,Dew or Rain ; though d conceive we may take the word Dew in this Text of theProverbs fynechdochically, for any, or all, the moy- flure that falls from Heaven, as by the 6reakrng asp of the depths in the former parr of the verle, we are to underhand all the moyflure which rileth from, and is conveighed up and down in the lefferor greater Channels of the earth. The Lord Both fo much know how ufefu! and beneficial the Dew is to the Earth, that it is laid to drop down by his knowledge ; as if the Lorddid exercife a very fpecial knowledg about it. TheClouds are Gods Vef els, which being lockt up by him, keep in their precious li- quo*, and being opened by him, pour it down in Rain, dropand deliil is down in Dew, whereof (Solomon in the place lafi cited) affureth us, there is not a drop that falleth but he takes notice of ir, and therefore faith, by his knowledge the Cloudsdrop down Dew : And indeed fuch and fo wonderful is the deflillation of the Dew, that it may well be faid todropeven through his divine fingers. The Dew is very ufeful and beneficial to the earth two "ayes or in two things chiefly. Firfl, Ic moyflens the earth : Secondly, Ic cools the earth. When Ifstac was giving the blelling to 3aco6, he put this in parti- cularly (Gen. 27. 28.) godgive thee of the Dew of Heaven, & the fatnefs of the earth, and plenty of Corn andwine; implying that the fatnefs of the earth caufing plenty of Corn and Wine,is caufed by the Dew of Heaven. Anfwerable to this bidinggiven by Iraac to his fon facob, is that promife or prophefie givenout byMofes (Dem. 3 3.28.) The Fountain of Jacob (hall 6e upon a Land of Corn and wine alfo his Heavens [hall drop down Dew. By the Fountain of facob tome underhand the polierity of acoó, or the whole houfe of Ifrael fpread ab:oad like the overflowing of a Fountain, to which David feems to allude (Tfal. 68.26. ) Blefs ye God in the congregations, even the Lord from the Fountain ofIfrael, or (as the wordsmay be rendred) re that are of the FountainofIfrael. Now,faithMofes,in that Prophetic, The Fox- Min