Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3 an Expoftianripon the BookofJ o s. Verf. 28, 225 taro of Tacob[hall be upon a land of "corn and wine ; that is, upon a plentiful land : alfo his heavens (hall drop down Dew ; t hat is, he (hall have the bet bleflings of heaven : Temporal bleffings (as Canaan was ofheaven) being but a thadow of fpiritual and eternal blcfl'ings. Andwhen the Lord wouldPhewhow plenti- ous in mercy ( chiefly in fpiritual mercies) he would be to his people , he faith ( Hofea 14. 5, 6.) 1 will be as aDew unto 1f- rael , and hefhall growas the Li17y , andGaffforth his roots as Le- banon; his branches (hallfpread, and his beauty fhall be as the Olive tree, and his [meld as Lebanon. Thus the Lord fpake by Eh:: Prophet, in allufion to thofe greateffe&s which the natural Dew produceth on Earth. Solomon havingfail ( Prov. t 9.12, ) that, the (juR anddeferved) wrath of a King is like the roaringof a lion, prefently adds, but hisfavour is as the Dewupon the graft; that is, he exceedingly comforts and refre(heth the hearts of all tlpon whom his favour falls. Andowhen a bthe flinophet (Mice of (chap. 5. '7. ) would (hew how a peopl God wouldbe to any place where theywere'caft , he faith, The remnant of Jacob fhall be in the midfl of manypeople (how ? ) a; Dew from the Lord , andas'fhowers upon thegrafi. By the remnant of acob, he means the chofen and faithful remainder of Jacob after many fcatterings and trials ; thofe few of the people of God in the midi the world wherefoever they are , (hall be as Dew upon the grafs;that is,they (ball be a great bletling to them. Theworld will fcarcelet that remnant be any where , in force places of the world there are fcarce any of them , yet fee of what benefit they are to any place , They are as Dew from the Lord. The Apoffle ufeth fuch anexpreliion concerning him(elf and o- ther faithful Miniflers of the Goïpel (z Cor, 2. I5.) r3'e areun- to God a (Weer favour of Chrifl in them that are Paved , and in them that perifh ; that is, we are a means of falvation and eter- nal life to them that are faved , and we offer eternal life and Cal- vation to them that peri(h. So faith the Prophet concerningall the remnant of Jacob, theyfhall be in the midfl' of many people as a dew upon the graft , that waitetb not for man . nor tarricth for the fon ofman ; they fhaii be as a Dew from the Lord ; that is, there (hail be a great multitude of them , and they (hall be as a D-w,rhat v (hall dillill fweetly upon thole many people ar a Dew from the Lord , andas thefhowres upon thegraft, that tar- G g rieth