Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

226 Chap. 38. a/In Expofition upon theBook of J o a. Verf. 2$. rieth notfor man, nor waitetb for the fens ofmen. Thegrafs in the field is net watered by man, as herbs and flowers in a garden are, and therefore may be faid not to tarry, nor CO depend upon man, nor upon the Eons of men , but uponGod for the Dew and Showers of heaven to water it. Thus chofe many people (hall have help and fweet fupplies ; though men negieé them , yet God will take care of them , and fend the remnantof Jacob, fcme or other that are faithful, tobe asa Dew from himupon them , tomake them grow andbe fruitful. Before I pals from this verfe, we may confider a threefold al- lufion of the Dew. Pirft, To01.4+ himlelf. One of the Ancients expounding that pláce(fudges6.37i40.)where jideondelredasafignfrom the Lord that he wouldrave lfraelbyhis hand,that the Dewmight fall on the fleece , the floor remaining dry ; and afterward, that the Dew might fall upon the floor, the fleece remainingdry;con- [fasinweüore, eludes , The Dew sn the fleece, is aril! y In thergin. ]efits Chriflus in Chrift indeed came down from heaven as the Dew, for the re- v"ß'ne frething and comforting of poorfinners; he came down altoas tus án aDew co make us fruitful and grow as the Lilly, and toca(} forth i3oS, tg, Y cur roots as Lebanon. Secondly , In the Dew there is an allufion to the werdofGod preached. The difpcnCers of the Gofpel are compared to Clouds ; e_Mofes was a Cloud , and hisfpeecb d; fli/led as thedew, ( Dent. ;2. a.) that is2 it came down fweetly and efficacioufly. As the manna and the dewfell together (Exod. t 6. r 2, r 4.) fo the graces, comforts, and powersof the Spirit come with the word; there's dew with the Manna , and Manna with the dew. When the dew of divinedo5trine comes down,Chri1t the Manna comes down roo. Thirdly , It carries in it an allufion to that fweetnefs of affe- £}ion that is among brethren (Pfal. a33. a.) Behold howgoodand bowpleafant it is, for brethren to dwel together inunity! then fol- lows (verf 3.) As thedew of Hermon, andas thedew that de- .kended upon the mountains of Zon ; for there the Lord command- ed the bleffing,evenlife for evermore. Love and unity among bre- thren is like dew, it refre(heth them and makes themfruitful ; They whoprovoke one another to love, will alfa togood works (Heb. rtt, 24.) Unity makes a great increafe. Small things grow great by