Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. an Expoftion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 2g. 22,7 by concord,whereas difcord dwindleth or reducethgreat things to Concordia par,. little things , and at lei to nothing, vß res trot- So much of Gods Father-fïood or relation to the Rain and gnu Ìadra Dew : In the next words he is pleated to enquire of Sobconcern- humor. ing the original of Ice and Frofi. Verfe 29. Out of whole womb came the Ice ? Thefe words are anelegant Metaphor taken fromChild- bar- ing. What woman can the Ice call Mosher ? God ishere com- pared to aMother, for the fame reafon for which he was before compared to aFather. We are to note (faith 4quinas upon this place) that Cold is the caufe of Ice , which is a feminine or wo- manifh quality; but the caufe of rain and dew is heat, which is a mafculine or manlyquality. And therefore the Lord fpeaking of the generation of rain and dew , ufeth the word Father ; and a- bout the generationof Ice and Prof{ he ufeth a word molt proper to the Mother ; Out of whole womb came the Ice ? The word ren- dredwomb lignifies the whole belly , yea the whole body. Thus (Plat. 132. 1.) Ofthefruit ofthy body, &c. The Hebrew is belly , fo the word is ufed (Gen. 15.4. z Chron. 22.2 r.) but according to our Tranflation it firietly relates to the Mother , as if God would take uponhim both fexes , andbe,as,the Father of the rain anddew , fo,the Mother of the Ice and Frofi. The An- cients infifi much upon this fetting forth the glory of God in tke former verfe as a Father, andhere as a Mother, out of whole womb the Ice comes ; and they tell us of fome who never had Scripture light,that yet did fpeak of God according to this No- Clemens A. Lion , calling him Mother-Father. They looked to God, and lexandrinns, honoured him, ashaving not onely the power of a Father, but the I. s. Strom. care of a Mother conceiving, nourifhing, nurfing, and educating Decor Deum the Creature as a Mother doth her children;and therefore called :grip'. eoi God ,fotber- Father, and fo much this change of the word in the talon. Text doth imply, Out ofwhole womb Came the Ice? t 9`17 Gelu, Li. Radii, evt Yet this manner of fpeaking lignifies no more than this, that pitoe;quiagelu Iceand Frofi are caufed and brought forth by the power of God. terr`'arb es - The word rendred Ice, comes from a root which lignifies to make plantafquef®liis balder topullofthe hair, becaufe when Frofi and Ice come,they deje£lis quaff G g z quicklygiabrat.