Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

228 Chap. 38. An Expoftion upon the Bookof jr) a. Vero, 29. quicki'y4rull off rite leaves from the trees , and the flowers from the hearbs, they make all bare- headed,y and fo Ice hath its denomination from tear effeci ; Out of whofe womb cam the Ice ?, end the hoary froft of heaven, who hatbgendred it ? Texit, The word rendred hoary frofç, fgnifies to cover over , becaufe opertor. the hoary frofl covers all over. The trees and hearbs,all things a- bove ground, are coveredwith the hoary frofl, therefore it hath its name from covering; and here the ford calls it, The hoar, Froft Of Heaven,, Becaufe the cold whichmakes the hoary Prof+, comes from the Air., which is often ihScripture calledHeaven, Hence Note ; The Lord will be acknowledged as the author of Ice endEre.'.. They are the effedls of his power and declaration of his glory and therefore the Lord calls fuch-like meteors to praife him, (PM. 148.8.) as evidences or proofs of his power and wonde- rous works ( pfat. 147. t 6, 07. ). He fcattereth bis hoar Frofff tike afhes , he cafteth forth hts Icelike rotorfits ; who can/tend be- fore his cold? The Lord cakes the Ice and Fro'? and Cold to be his ; it is not onelyhis San , but his Ice , and his Frofi ; he ren- ters his hoar Proff like afhes. The Froft is compared toafhes in t threefold refpe& : firfl, Becaufe the hoar E ofi gives a little in- terruption to the fight. Ì;f you fcarter afhes into the Mr, it dark- ens the light, fo doth the hoary F. oft: Secondly, hoary Froftis likeafhes, becaufe near in colour to allies. Thirdly, 'Tislike afhes , becaufe there is a kind of burning in it ; Fofl burns the ndepraint :. tenderbuds and bloffoms,ic mpsthem,and dries them up.Thehoa- loo, ¡Peru. ry Frofi,hath its denomination in the Latine Tongue from burning, frageo ,iron??, & it differs buta very little from that wordwhich iscommonly u- í.9'vocantcar- fed inLatine,for a coal of fire.The coldFrofl bath a kind of fcorch- 3anculatio- ing in it,as well as the hot Sur: Unfeafonable Frofis in theSpring, 61e fcorch the tender fruits , which bad eff& of Frofl is ufually ex- 2 Fell by Carbunculation or Walling. Froh is fometimes a' great benefit, IndSometimes a great fcourge; when it comes oppor- _ ?unity