Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. .Rn Expofstion ',span theBookof J o B. Verf. 3o. 233 added to the felicity of that efiate which is fhadowed under thefe Metaphors ? Such a-Summer of fpiritual felicity in tempo- ral liberties, after a winter of temporal sufferings in her fpirttu- als, did Chrih invite his Church in general unto : And his may relieve particular Chrihians in their afflìdiens. The cold i oft feldome lafls long, never aiwayes. Thirdly, Though Cold and Frohbe pinching and troublefome while they lah, yet theyhave avery good effete upon the Earth while they lab. Firfl,theymellow the Earth. Atter a F. oil the clods of Earth crumble eafily , whereas if it lie all the Win- ter without a Frofl, they are more fliffe,and not fo fit for husban- dry : Thus afTliCtionsmellow the heart of man , andmake it more fit for Gods husbandry. As Prof+ dries up the ill humours of the Earth , fo Both fHht-tionthofe of the foul ; and thereby prepares it to receive the Cc. i of the Word. WhenGod afilias his peo- ple, it is for their prt, thatthey way be partakers of his holinefs; that is, that theym» profitably improveall thofe means which he bath appointed tomake themmore holy. And hence, Foarwhly , As F -oft and Cold kill the weedsand worms which eat :be roots andhinder the growth of Herbs, Corn, and Plants; foaflliaionskill our tufts , thofe worms and' weeds that breed and froth inour hearts, alwayes hindering the fruitfulnefs, fome- time to theutter unfruitfulnefs, of the feed of the word Town a- mong us and upon us ( Mattb. 13. 22.) The froh of af- flióion is a means CO prevent the worm whichbreeds naturally out of the corruption of our hearts , even that terrible worm fpo- ken of (Ifa. 66.24.) theworm of confcience. As there are worms of corruption , Pride, Covetoufnefs, Wrath, Wanton- nefs, &c. in our hearts; fo out of thefe that tormenting worm breeds, called theworm of Confcience. Now , the froh of af- flietion which God fends uponus , is very effedtual , as to kill thefe worms of corruption which eat the roots of our graces, and binder our fruit-bearing ; fo to prevent the life of that worm of Confcience , which (as the Prophet (peaks in thepiace lab na- med) never dyeth. Therefore, as when the Lord fends froh, though it make us fluke, and we have a hard time of it, yet no man rifeth up in paffion and faith, I had rather dye, and be ou: of he world, then live in fuch a fcafon; No, men know ;hat a frofty feafon, is a H h wwhol-