Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2 4 Chap. 38. an Expofitton :epon the 13óok of J. o a. Verf. Zó. wholcfome feafon, and they know Summer will comeand make amends. So when we are in the Winter of afic`lion, let us not be impatient nor unquiet ; let us not think that the (roll will ruin and undo use Though Ice be upon every water, though Icicles hang upon every twig, do not think this will be at all for your undoing, it may be much for ,your bettering. Cold weather loth good aswell as hot ; and if we fhould have all-hot, and no cold, it might be very ill, very bacj to u.s.; therefore be not troubled at the cold, nor afraid of ice and frofl, they will not hurt you, un- lefs you hurt your felves,. by your impatience under them. And, when '.cis coldefl-, you may warme your felves at the fire or. Sun-thine of this hope, that ere long the weather,will be warmer, As Athanafus faid of the trouble given the Church by that Apollate yulian,. It is but a Cloud, it will foon be over; fo may I fay, according to the allufèon in this Text, its but a Winters - frofl, Summer willcome : This fhould be the comfortof all that fear God in a day ofevil feared or felr. WhenChri(l(Mat.z4.. 2, 3 3.) had foretold the figns of his coming,. he Paid, Learn a. Parable of the Fig- tree, whenhis branch is yet tender,.and putteth forth leaves , ye know that Summer is nigh : St likewifey. ye, when. ye. (hall fee all there things, know that it is near, evenat the door. As when we (hall fee thofe dreadful appearances, which are the fore-runners of Chrifl coming, fo when we (hall feel any chilling frofls pf affiic`lion, then we may know that Summer is at hand ;, when the night is darkefl, the light is neared ; whenWinter is harde(l,, a thawing Sun leading in the Springis approaching to wards us. There isbut one kind of cold or froth which we have caufe to fear, and that is the (roll of unkindnefs, or the coldnefs of of fedlion toGod and one another ; and I warn all to take-heed of that, becaufe it is but too too probable, that this frofl and cold will hang about the hearts of many in--the latter days ; yea, is it not vifrble, are we not fen(ible of that frofl begun, at leaf}, in there days ? as Chrifl himfelf prophefied of thofe latter days, (Mat. 24. a 2.) The love of many (hall wax cold; is not love to God very chil ? is not charity toman, among men, of a corn- plexion,as cold as ice at this day ? Take heed of this frofl, of this cold ; let not your hearts be frozen in love to God or Man. It is Cad when the dreams of charitable bounty are frozen, and the waters