Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 38. n Exp o f ition upon the Book o f J o. B. Verf. 29 2 3 5 watersof compaffionhidden aswith a (tone, whenthe very bow- els of men are Ice, and their hearts harder to one another, than the nether milf}one ? There are two things much to be lamented, whenever they are feenor felt among the Sons of men ; efpecially among thofe who profefs themfelves the Servants of God. The firs} is heat of anger ind wrath. The fecond is coldnefs of loveand zeal. As that heat is apt to kindleunnatural fires, fo this cóldnefs may provoke the Lord to kindle judiciary fires, or fiery judgment=. The cóldnefs of the air will not hurt us, nor can the frof} of any afflietion much annoy us, if our love wax not cold, if the frail of uncharitablenefs w one another, and of unzealoufnefs (if I may fo fpeak ) for God and his concerns, take nor our affeblions. JOB, Chap. 38. Verf. 3 r, 32, 33. 31. Canfi thou bind thefweet influences ofPleiades ? or loofe the bands of Orion ? 32. Canfi thou bringforth Mazzaroth in hisfeafon ? or canfl thouguide Arcturus with hisJons ? 33. Knowefi thou the Ordinances of Heaven ? canfb thou fit the dominions thereof in the earth THe Lord having queflioned fob about his skill and know- ledge in thole Meteors, the Rain, the Dew, the Ice and Frofl, all whichwere wrought in the Air ; fifes yet higher, que- Ilioning him about the Stars of heaven, and their ordinary effeas upon the earth, and all fublunary bodies. In thefe three Vertes, the Lord points at the four quarters or feafons of the year ; over which the fourStars or Cont}ellations mentioned in this context have a predominance, according to the appointment ofGod in the courfe of nature : He points at Spring andWinter in the 3r. verfe; he points at Summer and Autumn in the 32. verfe ; and he fpeaks of both more generally in the 33. verfe. The fum of the 3 s. verfe may be thus given ; as if the Lord had laid, 0 fob, Cat thoualter the feafons of the year? Firf}, 1-111 a Canfi