Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

C. halt' 3 g, An Expofttian upon the Beck. of J o a. Verf.31. 1'37 nor what he d aily did when at liberty. The Philiflims had a great mind to bind Sanspfon, fuppofing that then he could not put forth his mighty flrength to =thief them. P,ifoners; when bound andhid in chains can do nothing. As there is abinding to do, fo abinding not to'do ; and that not only with materialcords, but Pleiadesfunt metaphorical vows, oaths and p:omifes. We commonly fay, He f pt aielun, that is bound muff obey : But canany bind the Stars to obedienc.? Arens navids what, or whobut God, canbind or flay, either the confiant mo- irons tetapus tions or miniflrarions of the Stars ? Sampfon could not bound aflendun t;undo by the Philiflims till he betrayed himself, anddifcovered th fe- Gracisdicun. cret where his flrcngth lay. Who knowswhere the flrength,focç turlrtir-ítJ'fe andvenues of the Stars lye ? or if any knew that fecrer,. could o ire axv. they climb up to the Stars, and cut off that lock wherein their gu,e; flrength lyeth ?or break the pipes by which their influences are Latiaisatom conveyed down to the earth ? Canfl thou bind quo teryore oriuntur. rhoTweet influences of Pleiades ? The word rendred Influences, fignifies Delights, or delicacies, FeufirisMica- or delicate fruits; and therefore that Garden full of fullers plea- tos.Pagn lures, which God himself planted for man in his Bate of primi- tive innocency and felicity, is calledfrom this word, the Garden of Eden, (Gen. 2. a .) that is, a place of delight, commonly known bythe name of Paradice;. and hence we well tranflate tweet Influences : the Hebrew is Delights. Mr. Broughton tran- i11 ß`fÿ à 11 Oates Delicacies ; and the interlineal, Canfl thou bind the delicate quodgfl dolt. fruits that Pleiades brings forth ? That is, the green herbs, the 1uptatoe de- flowers, with other delicaciesand delights which accompany liclisabundare. the Spring : canft thou hinder their b;fdding or appearing at spring-time?Whenthe deformity8c dirt oRVinter departor .pafs away ,. then there is a new face of things, then every bufh floe- rifbeth, then the trees and fields put on their ornaments, then the fingingof birds fills the Air, and makes it refound with their harmony andmelodious mufick. The word is rendred Dainties (Gen. 49. zo.)and an adverb coming from this, is uCed (Lam, 4. 5..) They that didfaredelicately, are defiiate in the /lreets. As alfo (1Sam. 15.3 2.) Agagcame unto him delicately. Canfi thou bind thefweet Influences Of Pleiades? The greekr exprefs Winter by a word ¡tilt of the fame found X710, with