Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

2 38 Chap. 38, an Expofition upon the Book,of J o B. Vert. 301 wich the Hebrewword Cbymah, by us rendredPleiades; as if this refpet%ed the Winter, or were cold Connellation : but cer- tainly here it relates to the Spring ; and confidering that in this place the Pleiades are faid to give outTweet Inftuences,chedelights and delicacies of the earth, the word mull needs be meant of, or intend a benigne and favourable Star, a Spring-nar, rather than a Win-er-tear ; and therefore theLatines give this Conf el- ri,grlix ue lation its name from the Spring, becaufe then it appears ; of a which fee more Chap. 9.9. Further, When this Star, or company of Stars, (there Pleiades, or feven Stars) are fpoken of by name, we by a Synechdoche may underhand all the Stars : for, what influence foever any Star is empowered with, or putteth forth, who can hinder ? Can't thou hind thetweet influencesof Pleiades ? Hence obferve : Firn, God hath planted et virtue in the Stars of heaven, which they fhed down upon theearth, The creaturesof the earth, are (as I may fay) fed and fattened from heaven. All Vegetatives, grals, herbs, plants, flowers,trees; all Senftives, beans of the earth, fowls of the air ; yea, and ra- tional creatures too, all men whobreath in the air, and walk up. on the earth, are refre(hed and fed by the influences of heaven, by the cloudsand pars. Further, the Stars fend down their influ- ences, not only upon living creatures in their three ranks, but even upon inanimate creatures ; the minerals, the hones that lye deepunder the earth, the precious gems, with thole of a courier grain, receivemuch from the influences of the Stars. So then, all earthly bodies receive and derive their vigor and beauty from the heavenly ; the Sun and Moon have the greaten power, and there is a verygreat power in the Stars and Connellations, in the Pleiades, Orion, and tlrîlurus, for the produaion of great . effeet s. Secondly, In that 'cis laid, Cani thou hind, or flop the Influ- ences of Pleiades? Obferve;