Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

t4o Chap. 38. an Expo(stion upon the Book of J o s.Verf. ; t reen, like a Garden or Paflnre, in the Spring ; the foul bud's, bloifom's, and brings forth thefe biefíed fruits abundantly, when fed with thefe dainties and delicacies of the Spirit. Thofe great floods of trouble and perfecution which the Serpent, any where, or at any time calls out of his mouth, cannot prevail againft the leali drop of Confoiatìon, wrought in the heart ,by the Spirits influence. Paul and Silas were bound in Prifon, but there their perfecutorscould not bind the fweet influences of the Spirit from comforting them, nor daunt them by any terror from triumphing inChrift ; they could fing inPrifon, yea, they fung at Midnight. Secondly, We may Inferr ; If God huh placed the Stars in heaven , to drop down Tweet influences upon us , then at every fight of the Stars our hearts fhould be railed up, in the ad- miring thoughts of the wifdom, goodnefs, and power of God. We ufuaily look upon the Stars, as if they were only fo many lights befpangling the Canopy of heaven, and fparkling, as fo many fires in the firmament ; but we feldom confider their vir- tues,their influences,or the wonderfuleffeets which theyproduce flow few are there, who behold the heavens with Davidseyes. (Pfa1.8.3i4.) when I (laidhe)confider tby heavens,the work of thy fingers ; the Moon and tbe.Stars which thou bag made: Wkat n man, that thou are mindful of hm ? God is mindful of man, not only to give him light by the Moon and Stars, by the benefit whereof he fees other things ; but God gives many unfeen be- nefits by the Moon and Stars. The influences of the Stars are $ Li acgat ere asbeneficial to us, and as great a treafure as their light. We in- Deum bend deed have great caufe ( as we arecommanded, Pfd. i 36. 7, 8, nodo federo 9.) to pay the tribute of thanks to God for Petting up the Sun, tali. Moon, and Stars in the-heavens to give us light ; O give thanks Sidergquifpe. to him that made great lights, the Sun to rule by day, the ejlRaon atnonnegat and Stars to rule by night. Yet we mull not confine our thank- Are Deum. fulnefs toGod for them only as they give us light, for they give us heat as well as light, and wonder-working influences as well as either. ultofes ( their civil Father) biefling the twelve Tribes, as 3acob their natural Father did before his departure out of the world, thus befpake the bleffìng upon7ofeph(Deut. 33. 3 3, 54, a S.) Bleffed of the Lord he his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, andalfo for the deep thatcoucbetb beneath,