Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3g. AnExpojtion upon the Bookof Jo B. Verf. 3 1. 24! beneath, and for the precious fruits brought'forth b, the Sun, and for the precious things put forth by the Moen, and for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the loftinghills, and for tbe precious things ofthe earth,and the fulnefs thereof, &c. Here we have two forts of precious things. Fir(i, The precious things of heaven. Secondly, The precious things of the earth, of the hills and mountains. The former precious things are the came, the latter the etfet : Theprecious things of hea- ven, are the influences of the Sun and Moon, under which we are to comprehend the influences of theStars, therecaufe orpro- duce the preciosa things of the earth ; that is, Grafs, Hearbs, with all forts of Vegetables growing upon the futíace of the earth, they produce alio the preciosas things of the ancient moun- tains, and of the lolling hills; that is, gems or precious times, gold and filver' together withall forts of inferiour minerals. Now if the Stars, by their influences, yield us all thofe precious things, havewe not much caufe to admire both the power of God, who bath implanted thofe verrues and opperations in them, as alto his goodnefs, who hash ordained both thofe sauces, and their produas or effeas, for the benefit and comfort, yea, for the contentment and delight of man ? What u msan , that God fbould be thus mindful of him; that for his faire and ufe, or for the fweetning of his paffage through the Wildernefs of this troublefomeworld, he (hould impregnate the earth by the fweet intlir_aces c,f heaven ? It hath been laid ; Let him look to the Stars df heaven, whodenies theGod of heaven ; and doubtlefr he will not only not deny, bat not fo much as doubt that there is a Clod in heaven, who duel, confiders the pure nature, and the irrefzftt- ble operations of the Stars of heaven ? Cana thou bind the fweet influences of Pleiades ? Or loofe the bands of Orion ? We can neither bind whatGod lets loofe, nor-loofe'n what rune soli (g naruræordinem God binds. What Chriti affirmed of himfelf in regard of fpirituals ,m,,,t,rctl,K, ut (Roy. 3.7.) Thefe things faith be that bath' the key of David, good Aftrum that openetb and no man fhutteth, that fhutteth and noman open- Pleia urn fol- orb ; the fame is true alto in regard of naturals, andthorefore the vitconffringas, aut quod Ori- Lord had no fooner Laid tofob, Canfl thou bind the Tweet infles- onconflringit, oases of Pleiades, but headds, or tofe the bands of Orion ?, lava lilac. I i There