Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

242 Chap. 39.. AnExpofirion upon the Bookof)o B. Verf. 3 r. There are revere! . opinions concerning thee two Conftellati- onsof heaven, yet all agree in this ; that oneof them is a be- nigne Conftellation , and very comfortable to the fruits of the earth, and that the other is as (harp and churlifh ;. that the one is very friendly and favourable to all livingcreatures, but that the other-is a bitter, and as it were a killingConflellation; and therefore the Lord faith, Cani than loofc the bands of Orion P When once Orion bath and holds the earth, as it were in bands and chains ; whenOrion bath got the earth in his clutches, and huggs it, in appearance, to death, in his cold armes, who can re- i7'0D a t?Dn fcue it ? The Pleiades open the earth, and fet all free ; they gaol efî incon- call up the quickening moifture, and draw out the verdure of riee,ra every growing thing Orion holds all inbands, Orionis a hard rium ere, quajë Y g a a frgnum quad natured Conftellation, the Original word liignifies to be uncon- inconf?antiam fiant, vexatious, andunquiet; becaufe, under the Dominion of , perturbata- thisStar, the aire is ufually troublefome and unquiet. ness oerir ciat. Canfl thou loft, &c. nn .Rutattra en Theword imports opening what is fate (hut, or Tooling what ri Orionis is fait bound. When aman is in bands, we fay, loofe him from eperiesdDrOri uf his bands. Now faith the Lord Cana thou Toole the bands of dot Lora - onisdifaves? Orion ? that is, canft free the aire from thofe colds and froffs, sun. which bind the body of the earth, and all things growing out of Von Hebrea the earth in winter feafon? The word rendred bands, comes i117tU1t) a from a root that lignifies to draw ; hence fome tranflate, The verbo DV37 transit. Traces of Orion. Traces are Chafe bands by which Honesbeing hint(ejasfont fafinedto Cartsor Wagonr, draw them after them : Which ex- aperorione%, preffion alludes to that natural power planted in this Star, by Fab* tempe- which, according to 6.ods appointment it draws rainstorms and furies isetut cold freezing winds after a and fo, binds up the pores of the füribussttra- frigore earth. Now faith the Lord to job, canft thou with all thyskill (enflringit and firength ¡aoje thole bands , and let the earth at liberty ? Thou aerram,Scult. cant nor. Of this Orion, fee more at the gth Chapter ,,Sider hoc ori- ver. UT in principio 9.) I (hall only fay thus much further here, That biemir,& ter there words Rand in dire& oppofition to the former, Chewing rem tangxam that as jobcouldnot flop thofe BenigneStars, the pletades, from ¡er7e coaflrin giving forth their vertues to the earth ; fo he could not loofe ter, Pifc the bands of that Severe and harfh Star, nor divertthe of%âs idimbofasOri- Nimog.. which it brings upon the arch.. Can¡# thou loge the bands of Orion ?